Page 37 of Provoke

Kissing her forehead, she stirred and smiled, her grip around my tightening. I sighed, and snuggled closer to her. Why couldn’t shit stay like this forever?

Chapter Seventeen


I woke up alone. A heavy feeling filled my stomach as I remembered the night before. I groaned. I’d slept with him? God, Leeta. And unprotected sex? I had an implant, but in light of the last few days, it had been an idiotic move.

I wasn’t stupid. You don’t get as far as I had in my career by making poor decisions. Love can make you do stupid things. But at what point do you say enough is enough?

I lay on the bed, my arms in a tangled mess under the pillow as I hugged it to my body. Everything was just so fucked. Was he telling me the truth? I could see in his eyes how much he’d loved his sister. How could I blame him for wanting to find the people who did that to her?

Wait, how can you not be angry with him? Whatever his justifications were, he slept with another woman. Two other women, in fact. And they were only the ones I knew about. What if there were more?

I was torn between my head and my heart, and I wasn’t sure I could let either of them win. All I wanted to do was roll over and go back to sleep, and erase the last two days completely.


I sat up with a start. Fucking work. I had totally forgotten about work. If I still had a job, they would probably fire me. Mace had taken my phone, but I had no idea if he had called them or what. What the hell was I going to say to them? Sorry, my boyfriend kidnapped me, but I’ll be in tomorrow. Yeah, that was going to cut it.

I sat up and listened for any sign that he was there. Nothing. The motel was still and quiet. Working up the nerve, I wrapped the sheet around me and crept over to the door. I cracked it open. I sighed, relieved that I didn’t have to face him just yet. I was alone.

A scrap of paper sat on the kitchen counter. I walked over and picked it up.


I got you some things from your house. Take as long as you need, and when you’re ready to talk, call me.

Love Mace

P.S: I called in sick for you at work. I said you won’t be back in this week. I hope that’s okay.

I carried the note over to the couch and sat down. He hoped it was okay that he called work for me? I chuckled. He could be so sweet. That was the guy I fell in love with. He could be rough, and he always acted before he thought about the consequences, but he always had his heart in the right place.

Even now. This . . . it was all about Anna.

Stop it! Stop letting him get away with this. You deserve someone better.

There was a right way and a wrong way to deal with things, and this had been the wrong way . . . hadn’t it? If I were in his position, what would I have done? According to Mace, there was no real proof to take to the cops. I knew better than anyone that the little evidence he had wouldn’t hold up in court.

I walked over to the couch where a stack of clothes was placed along with my laptop, my phone, and a few other bits and pieces. Sitting down, I flicked open my laptop and navigated to my email.

There were a few emails from Tim wondering where the hell I was, then hoping that I was feeling better, and finally whining about me needing to come back so he would have someone to talk to. I chuckled and hit reply.

You seem less concerned with my wellbeing and more upset about not having anyone to bitch with. I’m feeling a little better. Hopefully I’ll be back for next week. Am I missing much?

I clicked send and then opened Google. I wasn’t even sure what I was looking for. There was no point trying to find anything on the internet, because I was pretty sure rape-selling websites covered their tracks better than that.

Ping. I glanced at my email notifications. That was quick.

Nothing. Especially considering it’s Saturday. But that place is as boring as bat-shit without my girl there. Hell, it’s as boring as bat-shit with you there, but at least you make the day pass quicker.

I chuckled. I hesitated. I really needed a friend. If ever I missed Laura, it was right then. I couldn’t give myself unbiased advice; not when deep down I was looking for a reason to forgive him.

I could use a friend right now, Tim.

My mobile rang immediately.

“That was quick.” I chuckled, after checking that it was actually Tim.