I walk inside, and the first thing I notice is the used condom sitting on the floor next to the sofa, along with my lacy black panties. I cringe and grab a tissue to dispose of the evidence.

Thank fucking God I decided to come here first.

I could just imagine the questions that would have led to.

After a quick survey of the rest of the room, I’m satisfied enough to leave. Before I do, I call reception and request the room be cleaned. Just in case. Grabbing my bag, I head back down to the ground floor and walk out the back, cutting down to the side street, where I’ve parked my car.

As terrified as I am that everything is going to backfire on me, right now, at this moment, I’m happy. Things with Ryder are great and I can’t wait to see my son again.

The only worry I have is Tony.

My heart starts pounding just thinking about him. I laugh. How sad is it that he has that kind of power over me? Even when I think he’s gone, he never really is.

He always comes back.

My phone vibrates and I pull it out of my jacket pocket. I don’t recognize the number, but I instantly know who the message is from.

Have you got my money?

My heart races. How the hell did he get my number? My palms are sweating as I reread the message. I press delete and shove it back into my pocket. I don’t know what to do. I feel like I’m losing my mind. I can’t go to the police, I can’t tell Ryder the truth...

All I want to do is protect my son from this monster, but I have everything stacked up against me because of something stupid thing I did two years ago because I was desperate. Something I’m sure Ryder wouldn’t understand.

I reach my car and open the door, falling into the seat. I sit crouched over with my feet planted on the road, contemplating my options. Not that I have many. If I have any feelings at all for Ryder, the last thing I should be doing is dragging him into this.

That’s the thing: this isn’t just about me.

If Tony doesn’t let this go, and the papers get a hold of my past, then Ryder will be ruined. His family would be dragged into this. What kind of person could let that happen to someone they supposedly love? Maybe that’s selfish, but the thought of not being with him was something I can’t even imagine.

I can’t walk away; I’m in love with him.

“You know, it’s rude to ignore text messages when you so clearly received them.”

My breath catches and my whole body freezes. I’m in panic mode. Tony crouches in front of me, effectively blocking me in and invading my space. He’s smirking, like catching me off guard is getting him off. He’s such a sick bastard that it probably is getting him off.

“What do you want?” My voice comes out like a strangled whisper. Any hope I have of pretending he doesn’t scare me evaporates the second he appears in front of me.

He chuckles, his eyes dark. “You know what I want, Scar. And if you keep playing these games with me, I’ll play back. Do you want me to play back? You used to love my games.”

I never loved his games.

As he speaks, his finger is trailing up my bare thigh. I freeze, because I know exactly what he is saying. I know what he’s referring to, and it’s killing me. He glances around, taking in the posh exterior of the hotel.

“You told me you weren’t seeing him, Scar.” He’s pretending that he’s hurt, but I know this is all just about money for him. Money and control.

I swallow and close my eyes. I’m sure my heart is about to explode. I can’t think of a response that he actually might believe, so I don’t answer. I tense as he leans in, his lips brushing over my cheek.

“You don’t want to fuck with me, Scar. I have no problem bringing down everyone you love.”

“Even your son?” I fire back, my voice full of spite.

His eyes light up, as if he’s won some kind of battle by getting me to respond. I watch as an evil glint fills his eyes and a smile slowly spreads across his thin lips.

“If it hurts you, then especially my son.”

“You sick son of a bitch, get out of my face or I swear I’ll scream,” I spit at him.

His eyes narrow. He reaches out and grips my wrist hard, bringing me close to him. I can smell the stench that is old cigarettes and whiskey—the Tony Special.