I turn around and walk into the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind me. I lean against the back of the door and listen to her soft crying. The door opens and shuts, and I’m greeted with silence.

I wait until I’m sure she’s gone before I exit the room. Slumping down onto the couch, I hurl the remote at the wall. I’m pissed at everything and everyone, but most of all at myself.

I wanted to hurt her. I wanted her to feel my pain. But none of it made me feel any better. I felt worse because the last half an hour had done nothing to erase my feelings for her.

You’re an arse, Ryder. I’d achieved nothing except ruining any chance I might have still had with her. I didn’t know the full story, and now I probably never would. All because I’m a jealous, selfish wanker who is scared shitless of getting hurt.

And to top it all off, I still didn’t have my damn fish.

Chapter Four


I wrap my jacket tightly around my chest as I walk inside and lock the door.

I shiver, my heart beating loudly in my chest. I hate being here alone. The silence scares me. It always has. I turn on the lights and the TV and walk down the hall to Jake’s room. Flicking on his light, I sit down on his empty bed. Terry stares up at me from his cage. I unlatch it and carefully reach inside, pulling him up onto my lap. I smile as he snuggles into my arms.

Bastard. I hate him for what he just did to me, and I hate myself for not explaining things to him. I’m a mess of emotions right now and I’m half a second from completely falling apart.

No. You will not give either of them the satisfaction of breaking you.

In an odd way, my own words give me the strength to pull myself together. I place Terry back in his cage and turn off the lights.

My phone beeps. I check it, trying to convince myself that I’m not hoping it’s Ryder. It’s Penny. I feel guilty about the disappointment I’m feeling, and disappointed that I actually want to hear from him.

Her: He’s fast asleep. Hope you’re okay x

Me: Thanks for everything. I’ll pick him up tomorrow, after lunch.

Penny is my closest friend. She’s the only person who truly knows me, and the person I care most about in this world after Jake. Seven years older than me, she’s married with a son, Max, and a daughter, Lucy. Separated in age by only a few weeks, Jake and Max have been inseparable since starting Kingstown Elementary together two years ago.

Our friendship blossomed over sleepovers and play dates. They are always the first to help out when Jake is sick. I honestly don’t know how I would’ve survived the past two years without them.

My bedroom is next to Jake’s. I walk in and pull the door closed. Sitting down on the edge of my bed, I’m shaking as I check my phone again. I’m still thinking about Ryder—which isn’t unusual, because he’s all I think about. I curl up on the bed and pull the covers around me, trying to process the last few days.

If he wanted to hurt me, he’d done it. Congratulations on breaking my heart.

I’d been so close to telling him everything. I should have told him. I should have made him listen. I should have made him understand just how much I hate the father of my son.


The incessant banging on the front window wakes me. I glance at the clock and see it’s two in the morning. I jump up, still fully clothed as I run for the door. My first thought is Jake. My second is Ryder.

Neither of them are right.

Tony smirks at me as he pushes his way inside. His short, dark hair is messy, like it needs a good wash, and the anger hiding in his piercing blue eyes scares me. I stiffen, and step back as I try and hide my fear. With his broad shoulders and muscular frame, he towers over me in height and size. It wouldn’t take much for him to overpower me.

“Get the fuck out of my house or I swear to God . . .” I swallow as my words abandon me.

“You’ll what? Call the police?” He laughs. “I’ll leave when I get what you owe me.”

“I don’t owe you shit,” I spit. “And I already told you: I’m not with him. You’re not going to get a cent out of him.” I laugh, even though the words drive through my heart. I’m not with him.

His eyes narrow as he steps toward me. If there is one thing Tony doesn’t handle, it’s being laughed at. I don’t move as I stare him down, refusing to give him what he wants: the knowledge that he’s gotten under my skin.

“Fix it, Scarlett. You know what I’m capable of. Or do I need to remind you?”

No, you assfucker. I remind myself every fucking day what a sick asshole you are.