“I’ve always wanted to see Miami from the top floor,” I say smoothly, my lips nearing her neck. Her eyes light up and she bites her lip as my tongue hits her soft skin. I ignore the sniggering from across the table because they’re actually doing pretty well to contain themselves.

“You want to come back to my room?” she asks, her eyes wide with anticipation.

“Sure.” I turn to glare at Josh and Charlotte. “Why the hell not?”


“So this is how Miami looks at night,” I murmur.

We’re standing on the balcony of her hotel room. My arm is snaked around her. I’m pretty wasted—but that doesn’t stop me from accepting another scotch when she offers.

I follow her back inside the hotel room, pausing when she does. She turns her head and smiles at me, then lets the room key she’s holding roll out of her hands and onto the plush carpet beneath us.

“Oops,” she whispers, her eyes wide.

I raise my eyebrows as she bends over to retrieve it, leaving nothing for my imagination. I can almost see what the girl had for breakfast. I stifle a groan and force myself not to look away.

As she moves toward the bar and begins t

o prepare my drink, I have another ‘what the fuck am I doing’ moment. This girl isn’t going to make me forget Scarlett. If anything, substandard sex is going to make me miss her even more.

She walks over to me with a scotch on the rocks. I take it from her and slam it down. She giggles, her hand sliding over my shirt and then under. My stomach clenches as her fingers roam over my abs.

Reaching down, I grasp her hair and pull her mouth to mine. My kisses are rough and fast. She gasps, her eyes widening. She hurriedly works to unbutton my shirt while I practically rip her dress from her body.

She’s fucking beautiful—but she’s not Scarlett.

I groan as she gets on her knees and unbuckles my jeans. My cock is hard as fuck; and it’s even harder when her mouth closes around it. She sucks like a champion, her lips moving at an incredible speed.

There should be no problem: I have a sexy lass hanging off my cock that is more than happy to please me. But I can’t fucking get Scarlett out of my mind. It’s her I want to fuck senseless. It’s her mouth I want to violate.


“I’m sorry,” I mutter. I pull up my jeans and grab my shirt, throwing it on as I walk for the door, frustrated that my head is refusing to obey my cock.

Lissa gets to her feet, her mouth hanging open in shock. She’s not fazed by the fact that she’s practically naked as she follows me out of her room and over to the lift.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” she yells, her pretty face turning red.

Whoa. This is not good.

“I’m really sorry,” I begin, but she’s shaking her head.

“You’re leaving? Just like that? What the hell, Ryder?” Her voice is getting louder and louder by the second, and it hits me that I might have picked the most unstable woman in Miami to fuck with.

“I’m sorry,” I repeat. I press the lift button again, aware that the shrill tone of her voice has created somewhat of a scene. People are peeking out of their rooms to see what the commotion is. Some are even bold enough to stand in the hallway, arms crossed, watching the scene unfold.

“For someone who is supposed to be a fucking god in bed, you fucking suck!” she roars. Turning on her heel, she storms back into her room, slamming the door closed with a bang.

Fuck me.

The lift doors finally open and I practically fall inside, pressing the close door button repeatedly as the whole top floor of the Conservation Hotel stares at me. I groan and lean against the back of the small lift, my head spinning.

Well, that didn’t go according to plan.

Chapter Two
