
Yeah, sorry about the lack of contact. If it makes you feel any better, I talk to you more than I do my mother. Wimbledon, hey? Sure you’re not going to crash out in round one again? Because I’d pay to see that. I’ll be there. You know I always have your back.

And yeah, we sorted things out. The guy was her ex. He showed up after seeing her with me in the tabloids.


Scrolling through my contacts until I reach Scarlett, I press call. I miss her voice already, and I wonder where she is. I know she was working early this morning. Maybe she’s gone to pick up Jake. Her phone rings out, so I hang up and send a text instead.

Me: I miss your face.

Whether it is out of boredom, curiosity, or concern, I find myself Googling Tony. She hasn’t asked for my help, but I can’t sit back and let this wanker win. I can see the panic in her eyes when she thinks I’m not watching. The thing is, I'm always watching her. I can watch her for hours and it still wouldn’t be enough. She has enough to worry about with Jake being sick.

I don't know much about the guy, apart from his name. I guess that his age would be around mine, so I start with that. Almost instantly, I hit a brick wall.

Apparently Tony Larezzi is a pretty common name.

I never claimed to be a sleuth, but this is just ridiculous. There is no way I’m going to get anywhere without some help. Then it hits me: there is someone who can help. I can’t believe I didn’t think of her earlier.

I reach into my back pocket and retrieve my wallet. I cringe, because it’s such bad form to keep a business card from a chick I fucked once in my wallet. Honestly, I have no idea why I haven't binned it, but right now I'm glad I still have it.

Do I text, email, or call?

Text and email both seem so impersonal, but calling her scares the fuck out of me. She’s probably the only woman in the world who intimidates me.

In the end I decide email is the safest.


I would start by saying hello, but I know how anti-small talk you are.

I need a favor. A friend of mine is being hassled by an ex and I’m after info on the guy. Me being me, I have no idea where to even start. I was hoping you could point me in the right direction?

I hope this isn't too weird for you.


I get a response almost immediately; at the same time, a text from Scarlett comes through. I reach for my phone, a wave of guilt heating me as I read.

Scar: I miss you too xx

Four little words that make me feel like shit.

What the fuck am I doing? I have no right to be digging around in her life. She asked me to keep out of it, and that’s what I should be doing. So why can't I leave this alone? I tell myself it's about wanting to make sure both she and Jake are safe, but I'm not being completely honest.

This is also about me needing to be able to trust her again. I hate that part of me feels this way. But the reality is, she’s lied to me once—how can I be sure she won’t do it again? Why is she so hell-bent on not accepting help? She is adamant the police can’t do anything. The only reason I can come up with is that he has something on her. Something big.

I sigh and rub my eyes. I do trust her. I do . . . don’t I?

My email beeps again and I click on it. I’d forgotton about Anna’s waiting reply.


I have to say, I'm a little shocked to hear from you.

In a good way, of course. I’d be happy to help you out, but you know us reporters rarely do anything without getting something in return, so here is the deal: I'll get you the info to me on your guy and in return you get me an exclusive interview. I’m not talking a pissy little one-page spread either. I want scoop. I want you on the front page of the mail, baring you soul. Deal?

By the way, how's your arse? ;)