“Whatever you need to do,” I mumble, rubbing my forehead. “Look, I have to go. I’m late.”

“There’s a change,” Matt laughs.

I’m still scowling as I hang up and shove my phone into my bag. I walk through the halls of the club towards court three. I have no idea if Cally will even show up today. If she does, I’m sure it won’t have been without a fight.

At least our dislike for each other is mutual.


As foul as my mood is, I can’t help but smirk as I approach the court and see her standing there, hand on hip, scowling at me. So maybe I get some pleasure out of making this kid’s perfect little life a little less perfect. I bet she’s never had Daddy go against her wishes.

This must be how Matt feels when things fuck up for me.

“I was hoping you weren’t going to show,” she mutters.

I snort as she swings her racquet, avoiding eye contact with me.

“You know, we can just pretend you’re teaching me. Nobody has to know if we don’t really do this.”

I laugh, because I know she’s serious. “Good try, but there is no way in hell that will work.” I nod up to the ceilings, where the cameras are aimed on us. “You think those are just for show?”

Her eyes narrow and she scowls again. She kicks at the floor with the toe of her running shoe. “Fine,” she says icily. “There are so many places I’d rather be than here with you. Like getting a root canal at the dentist. Or having a pap smear,” she adds, the corner of her lip lifting into a sneer.

“Yeah, well, the feeling is mutual.”

“Yeah? I suppose you would need a pap smear for your giant vagina,” she snorts.

I laugh, because that’s all I can do. This girl is fucking out of control.

Though I’m not thrilled with this whole situation, I need to at least try and remember I’m the adult here. I know I’m going to have to make the best of this. Both Rick and Matt are right: I can’t afford to piss off my sponsors. Especially when I’m not sure where my career is headed.

“Look, I shouldn’t have said what I did and I’m sorry. Can we start over? We’re both stuck here, so you might as well learn something from me.”

She opens her mouth, and I’m immediately expecting a retort, but then she closes it and nods. “Fine. So teach me something.”

Okay then.

“Let’s work on your backhand. It’s the weakest in your game.”

Her mouth drops open and I laugh.

“Trust me, honey. If I can pick that out as your weakness, so can your opponents.” I shrug like I don’t care. “If you don’t want to be the best, then don’t listen to me.”

She walks over to the base line and glares at me. “Are you teaching me or what?”

I chuckle and walk over to her.

Oddly enough, her rude, blunt personality is growing on me. She has insulted me so many times I’ve lost count, she doesn’t listen, and her way is always right, but I’m actually warming to her.

Not that I’ll tell her that.

Chapter Ten


I finish work at two and head for the parking lot behind the bank.

My plan is to go straight to Penny’s and pick up Jake, and then take him back to the hotel. I decide to stop off at the hotel since it’s on the way, and check the place is clean—or, rather, kid-friendly, because the past few nights have been anything but.