
Scarlett has gone when I wake up the next morning. A note sits on the table.

Over at the hospital with Jake. Can I see you later? x

I shower and throw on a pair of jeans and a shirt, and then pour myself a coffee. I wonder what time she got up, because I didn’t hear her leave. Checking my phone, I see I have a voice message from Matt. I dial my answering service.

“Ryder, just checking in on you. I hope you’re keeping out of trouble. Give me a call so we can talk about a few things, okay?”

I hang up and shove my phone in my pocket because I’m not ready to deal with that just yet. Tennis has been part of my life for eighteen years. I’m still young; I know I can recover from this injury and be the best again—only I’m not convinced I want to.



I smile and walk over to the bed. Jake looks pleased to see me. I was expecting to see Scarlett with him, but she’s not there. Before I can question that, Jake turns to the boy in the bed next to him.

“See? I told you so,” he says triumphantly.

The other boy is staring at me through wide eyes. I laugh and sit down, and just as I do, Scarlett walks into the room. Surprise registers on her face when she sees me.

“Hey.” She slips the phone she’s holding into her pocket. There is something odd about her behaviour, but I can’t put my finger on it so I push it out of my mind.

“I thought I’d drop by and see how he is doing. And bring him this.” I reach into my pocket and pull out a small box.

Jake takes it from me and shakes it, as if he’s trying to figure out what it is.

“You can open it,” I laugh.

He does. He lets out a squeal when he sees I’ve gotten him a portable PlayStation and a handful of games. “Oh yeah, this is freaking awesome,” he grins.

Scarlett sits down next to me. She’s smiling now, and back to her old self.

“A bit better than the bike?” I ask her.

She glowers at me. “Anything is better than that damn bike,” she mutters.

I laugh and turn my attention back to Jake. “How are you feeling?” I ask.

“I’m good. I miss my friends and Terry.”

“Terry?” I repeat.

Scarlett giggles next to me. “His pet rabbit,” she explains.

“You have a rabbit? That’s pretty awesome. I wasn’t allowed any pets when I was a kid,” I explain.

“How come?” he asks, his brow furrowing. “Terry sleeps in my bed, doesn’t he, Mom?”

“Only when you sneak him inside,” she retorts, grinning. “He’s pretty domesticated for a rabbit. Sometimes I think he thinks he’s a dog.”

“You’ll be home and back with Terry in no time,” I assure him. “Are they looking after you in here?”

He nods. “I’ve been in the hospital lots, Ryder.”

He rolls his eyes and I laugh. I thought being alone in here would be scary for the kid, but he’s obviously a pro when it comes to being brave. I shoot a glance at Scarlett. She’s gazing at Jake, teary-eyed. She’s done such a great job bringing him up.

God, I hope this works.