This whole thing is getting ridiculous. She stops in the hallway, waiting a good few seconds before turning around and entering the room. She can’t even look at me.

This is fucking embarrassing.

“Yes?” she says, clearing her throat.

“Can we please move on from what you walked in on the other day?” I plead, my face heating up. “It’s been over a week,” I add. Eight days, actually.

“I’d be more than happy to never speak of it again,” she replies. She’s focusing way too hard on the empty glass that sits on my table.

I sigh, because I don’t know how to get past this. “Look, Josh set me up with someone to help relieve my stress. That’s all it was.”

“I really don’t need the details, Ryder. You’re twenty-four. What you do with your time is completely up to you. I’d really rather we not go into details.”

“Good,” I say, “But that means you’re going to have to look me in the eye eventually.”

Her gaze slowly travels upwards until our eyes meet. She smiles, and I can see she’s trying.

“One more thing.” I close my eyes. I can’t believe I’m about to say this. “I was thinking that maybe I could stay with you guys for a few weeks after we get back home. Just until I’m back on my feet,” I add hastily.

As I expected, Mum’s face lights up. She steps forward and throws her arms around me. “Oh, Ryder, I’d love that¸” she gushes.

I roll my eyes and pat her on the back, pretending it isn’t a big deal. But seeing how happy I’ve made her makes me feel happy. I knew how much it meant to Mum that she was able to look after me. I’d found a way to do something nice for someone else without spending any money. All it had cost me was my freedom.

And possibly my sanity.


The following day I’m ready to fly home.

The pain is still intense—so much so that I can’t sit properly and I’m pretty high on some powerful painkillers, but at least I can walk. We fly first class—because it gives me the most privacy and the space to lie on my side. Mum had wanted to travel economy with Hails and Dad, but I’d insisted on paying for all of them to fly with me.

“Are you sure you should be walking?” Mum frets, pacing around me like she is herding sheep.

I roll my eyes and put my hand up. “I’m fine. The doctors said walking is good for the muscles.”

“We’ll set you up in the spare room downstairs. I don’t want to have to worry about you climbing up and down those stairs all day. Imagine if you fell,” she gasps, her hands flying to her mouth.

“Mum. Quit worrying. I’m fine.”

All I can think in my head is that staying here is going to drive me fucking insane.

This is all Scarlett’s fault.

I’d let her get into my head about making other people happy, but I think I preferred making sure I was happy. I go to my bedroom and close the door. My suitcases are already unpacked and my clothes are neatly folded and placed in the wardrobe. I roll my eyes and climb onto the bed. Pulling out my phone, I text Scarlett.

Me: I hope you’re happy. This is going to drive me nuts.

Her: What is? What’s going on?

Me: My good deed? Staying with my parents because I knew how happy it would make my Mum.

Her: You’re home? Congrats! And good on you. I’ll call you later. I had to take Jake to the hospital.

My heart begins to race. I haven’t even spoken to Jake yet and I’m worried for him. I’m worried because I know he is her whole world.

Me: Is everything okay?

Her: Not sure. His medication isn’t working as effectively as they would like it to.