“I'm glad you had a good day, I can't wait to see you on Saturday, honey. We're going to go fishing,” I added. I braced myself for the squeals that would follow, knowing how much Maddie loved fishing. My fishing trips weren't very successful with Maddie around though, because every fish I caught she made me throw back.

“Really?” she screamed, giggling.

Maybe telling her this right before bed was not my smartest move. I was glad she was with Claire and not me.

“Ooh daddy, I can't wait,” she squealed.

“You be a good girl and do what mommy says, okay? I'll see you Saturday sweetie. Love you.”

“Love you too, daddy.”

Chapter Six


The bath idea was a damn good one and after almost half an hour soaking, I finally dragged myself out of the tub. At seven months pregnant, the image of me hauling myself over the edge of the tub wasn't pretty. Neither were the extensive stretch marks around my stomach or my swollen ankles. And don’t even get me started on my saggy boobs.

As I was drying myself, Simon walked in. He slipped his hands around my waist, kissing my neck as his hand worked its way over my breast and tugged gently at my nipples.

“I'm not dry,” I laughed, trying to pull myself away from his silk shirt.

“Don't care,” he mumbled, nuzzling his face into my neck. “God, you're beautiful, I could just eat you right up.”

“Hey, if you want to eat me, I’m not complaining,” I giggled, raising my eyebrows, amused at my own dirty comment.

“Emma! What kind of man do you think you’re marrying?” he said with mock horror. He grabbed hold of my hand and led me to the bed. I waited as he pulled back the covers and helped me onto the mattress.

“I'm capable of getting into bed myself, you know.”

“Yes, but it’s so much more fun helping you,” Simon chuckled, kissing my nose, “because then I get to see you naked.”

“You see me naked all the time,” I giggled, crossing my hands over my stomach self-consciously. I hadn't gained that much weight during the pregnancy, which was surprising considering how much I was eating. Yesterday I tore through three bowls of cereal, an apple, half a loaf of full grain bread and all that was just before lunch.

“And I like it. I'll never tire of seeing this sexy body,” he grinned. He tickled me, trailing his kisses down my stomach, down over my belly button, down even lower...

“Stop!” I squealed, rolling onto my side, trying to fight off his attack. I could see the outline of his erection through his pants. I smiled, liking the feeling his arousal gave me.

“I'm going to have a shower, then I'll be in bed.” he said, kissing me again. Smiling, I watched him disappear into the bathroom. I listened to the sound of the shower running, suddenly remembering my promise to text Cass after my appointment. I grabbed my cell off the nightstand.

Sorry, I completely forgot about you. Everything’s good. Drop by tomorrow if you're free.

Cass replied right back.

Not working now, so I might come past after lunch and it’s nice to know I'm so forgettable :p

I put my cell back on charge, smiling at her reply. I honestly don't know how I would've survived the past ten years if it hadn't have been for her and Tom. They had been more supportive than my own family had ever been and now they were together and had been for six months.

This was the longest relationship for both of them. They were so similar, yet so different. That was either going to work really well or it was going to be a disaster. And so far things between them were going well and as the friend stuck in the middle, I was glad.

Simon snuggled close to me as I stirred in the darkness. Opening an eye, I peered around the room trying to make out the shadows. I must have fallen asleep. He pressed his body against mine. Kissing my ear, he whispered something I couldn't quite understand. I moaned my agreement, too tired to care. He kissed my neck, his mouth gently sucking on my skin as his fingers ran all over my body. Groans escaped my lips. He chuckled, knowing that he knew where to touch me and exactly how to do it.

His fingers slipped between my legs as he teased me with his touch. I rolled over to give him more access, my arm slipping around his waist. His mouth enclosed over my nipple as his pace quickened between my legs. My hand massaged his hair as I spread my legs wider, trying to push myself toward his fingers. He laughed, pulling back letting me know he was in control.

“Please,” I whimpered, so badly needing the release.

“Please what?” he whispered, working his fingers deeper inside me.

“Please…oh god yeah!” I cried as he circled my clit.