“I might get Cass or someone to help,” he said quickly, “so, you’ve got a daughter.”

“We have a daughter,” I corrected, smiling at her. She had fallen asleep, her little mouth in the shape of an O. I wondered what she was dreaming about. Gently, I touched her mop of dark hair. For such a little girl, she had a lot of it. I could see a lot of me in her, particularly her eyes, and her mouth.

“Is she…Did she have any problems, being born so early?” I asked tentatively, hoping my little girl hadn’t needed to struggle through anything without me by her side.

“She had breathing problems, but that has fixed itself. For being nine weeks early they said she was very well developed,” he explained.

That would be right. I smiled at her, tears blurring my vision. My little miracle girl could get through anything.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


“Daddy!” Maddie shrieked, almost bowling me over, throwing her arms around my legs. Leaning down, I kissed her cheek, ruffling her curly hair.

“How’s my little girl?” I asked, smiling.

“Good,” she chirped, taking my hand, “how’s Emmy? Is she better yet daddy?” Sitting on the sofa, I pulled Maddie onto my lap.

“She’s much better. She said to give you a big kiss,” I said, “Mwah,” I said as I kissed her again as she squirmed in my arms.

“Oooh, no daddy!” she giggled, “when can I see Milbella again?”

“Mirabella,” I chuckled, correcting her, “she’s coming home tomorrow honey. I will stop past with her.”

“Mommy said you’re staying here?” Maddie frowned.

“Hi Simon.”

I looked up at Claire who had just walked in.

“Hey,” I smiled. Turning back to Maddie, I pointed to a picture she had drawn over on her crayon table. “Why don’t you do a picture for Emma?” Maddie’s eyes lit up. She scrambled off my lap and raced over to the table.

“What should I draw, daddy?” she asked, her eyes wide.

“Why don’t you make her a card to help her get better,” I suggested. Maddie nodded excitedly. Claire rolled her eyes at me, handing me a can of soda.

“So I went shopping, and got some necessities. I still have some of Maddie’s things from when she was a baby, portable cot, and bedding.”

“You do?” I asked surprised. I had no idea she’d kept any of that stuff. Claire colored.

“Yes, well I did hope to have more than one child, Simon. It just never…eventuated,” she finished. I felt awkward talking to Claire about this. In fact, since our deep heart to heart, every conversation with Claire felt awkward.

“So Emma met Mirabella today,” I said, changing the subject. Claire looked surprised.

“Really? Wow. How did that go?”

“Well, probably as well as it could’ve gone,” I added, “one look and she was smitten,” I smiled, remembering the expression Em wore when she first saw our baby.

“That’s great news, Simon. You’re still staying with us for a few nights? I’ve made up the spare room and put the portacot in there,” she added.

I hesitated briefly, trying to shrug the nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach. Emma would hate that I was staying here. On the other hand though, it had been years since I’d taken care of a newborn and even then it was never alone.

“Sure,” I nodded, telling myself it was for Maddie. It was her birthday next week and I still felt so guilty about not being around much the last few weeks.

“Here,” she said, throwing me a key, “I told you that you’d need it again someday,” she joked, her expression unreadable. What the hell did that mean? The night I officially left her, before we had mended our friendship for Maddie’s sake, I’d given her my house keys and moved out. She’d begged me to keep them, saying I’d want the again one day. I stood up, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

“Simon, I didn’t mean…I was only joking,” Claire flushed. I waved my hand, as if it wasn’t a big deal.