“Yeah, well, that’s normal and you’re alone until Em gets better which makes it doubly hard. How is she today?” she asked.

“She’s good, but her memory hasn’t improved yet,” I explained. Something just hit me. How was I supposed to look after Mirabella and be here for Em when I wasn’t allowed to tell Em about our daughter yet?

“You still there?” Claire asked, confused by the sudden silence.

“Yes, sorry. Just trying to work out the logistics in my mind,” I mumbled. “Looking after Em and Mirabella, but not telling Em about Mirabella...” God it sounded like a mess.

“Let me help, Simon,” Claire sighed, “come stay with us for a few days at least. I can look after Mirabella while you’re in with Emma. I know Maddie would love having you around,” she added, trying to sway me.

I hesitated. I hadn’t told Claire about my argument with Em, over our relationship. In the back of my mind, I knew us staying with Claire would probably upset Em, but what choice did I have? Besides, I’d neglected Maddie so much these last few weeks, I knew she would love having me there.

“Okay,” I relented, “thanks Claire.”

Even I had to admit knowing I had some support with Mirabella gave me a huge sense of relief. After I ended the call, I dialed mom. I hadn’t been in touch for over a week now, even though I’d promised to call her.

“Hey mom. How are you?” I asked, rubbing the back of my neck which was stiff from yet another poor sleep. God I could only dream of my next real sleep, which wouldn’t be until Mirabella turned thirty.

“Simon! How is Emma? And Mirabella?” mom asked, concern etched in her voice.

“Em’s getting there. Still no memory, but the doctors say it will come back. Mirabella is coming home tomorrow. I’ll take some pictures and send them to you,” I added, knowing she’d love that.

“That would be wonderful,” she gushed. “I’ve been telling everyone about my new little granddaughter.”

“Of course you have,” I chuckled, “how is Leila?” I said, asking after my sister.

“Not great,” mom admitted sadly, “the seizures are getting more regular and she’s not really with it most of the time these days.”

“I’ll try and get into to see her soon,” I promised.

“Thanks honey. You’re such a lovely boy. Say hi to Emma and Maddie for me and give that baby of yours a big kiss from her Grandma.”

Chapter Twenty-Six


To say I was sick of being in hospital, was an understatement. It was the third day after I had woken up, which I guess made it nearly four weeks since I collapsed.

It was morning, just after breakfast and for the first time in ages I was able to take myself to the bathroom. Walking to the bathroom might not seem like a huge deal, but right now it was better than winning a marathon. Of course, the bathroom was only five feet away from my bed, but still, it felt like a huge accomplishment. After going to the toilet, I sat on the chair and showered. I cannot describe how wonderful it felt to have the hot water trickle down my shoulders. I had to avoid getting my hair wet because of the large ugly wound that spread three inches across the left side of my head. They’d shaved a small section of my hair, which I could cover up if I positioned my hair right.

When I first saw the wound I cried my eyes out. It was confronting, looking at yourself in the mirror and seeing a big gaping wound. Okay, so it wasn’t gaping, it was actually quite neat, but it was so…there. Both the doctors and Simon had explained what had happened to me. It was a shock, that at twenty years old I had suffered a stroke and a clot for no reason. I couldn’t help but think what if it happened again?

As I washed my body, my hands ran over my stomach and over something unfamiliar. Confused, I glanced down to examine what felt like a series of little bumps.

What the hell was that?

Yet another scar, this one measuring at least six inches stretched across my pelvis. It was sutured, so it had to have happened recently, but it didn’t look as fresh as my head wound. Shaking my head, I cursed my memory.

Nothing had come back to me yet. It was crazy t

o think the last six months had been blocked out. Erased. With Simon, our relationship still felt so new and fragile, because in my mind we’d only been seeing each other for a few weeks. Six months was a long time and not remembering any of it scared me. I had no way of knowing the state of our relationship other than to trust him.

“You okay in there, Emma?” a nurse called out.

“Yes, fine thanks,” I replied, clearing my throat, which still hurt like hell. I finished drying myself off, brushed my teeth, and tied back my hair. My hands sometimes were slower than my brain to coordinate themselves which was frustrating. Things like brushing my teeth were so much harder than they used to be. As I hobbled back to bed, I had to admit a shower had made the world of difference, as to how I was feeling. I felt refreshed and awake. I couldn’t wait to see Simon, or rather for him to see me.

Just like he’d read my mind, there he was, appearing at the door, that lopsided grin stretching across his mouth when he saw me.

“You’re looking good,” he murmured, kissing my forehead. I smiled, loving that he noticed. He still looked at me the same way I remembered, as though I was the most beautiful person he’d seen. Right now, I loved the way that he made me feel.