“What do you want Emma? Tell me what you want.”

“Make me come,” I whispered. This was not the time to be shy. My back arched as I let out a gasp and pushed his face down on my breast. I screamed into my pillow as I reached my orgasm, desperately trying to push his hand away from what was now such a sensitive area.

“Wow…” I managed, rolling back onto my side. Simon chuckled at my response, his hands roaming over my bare back.

“Love you, honey,” he whispered, nuzzling up to me.

“Love you too.” I mumbled back

Chapter Seven


Once again, I woke well after Simon had left for work with a huge desire to pee.

The worst part was, it wasn’t the kind of need to pee you can put off in exchange for a few more minutes of sleep (come on, we've all been there), this was the jump straight out of bed, no matter how freezing it is and run to the toilet kind of pee.

After I was done, I begrudgingly pulled on my bathrobe and headed for the kitchen. I was now so awake, that going back to bed wasn't an option. No, it had nothing to do with the fact it was after eleven in the morning. If that wasn't an indication that I was not a morning person, I don't know what was.

I retrieved the newspaper from the front porch (yes!) and made myself some breakfast and my daily decaf coffee. Simon often forgot to bring in the paper from outside. Forgot, my ass. I knew exactly what his plan was, to get me out of the house, even if it was just outside the door. He knew I couldn’t go without reading the paper.

After an average breakfast of stale cornflakes, low-fat milk and overripe strawberries, I showered and dressed. I picked out some black pants and a stretchy green tunic that sat nicely over my bump. As stupid as it was, I liked to look nice for my appointments with Doctor Nichols and it had nothing to do with him being more than slightly attractive.

Curled up on the couch with Carol on my hip, I so was engrossed in the midday movie (which was aptly about a pregnant woman being stalked by a woman, who couldn't have children so she could kidnap the baby), that I nearly fell off the couch when the doorbell rang. Carol hissed at me, before flouncing off into the bedroom, growling at being disturbed. I glanced at the clock, surprised. Cass was never early. I hobbled to the door.

“Claire,” I said, surprised. “And Maddie,” I added with a smile as the little girl hurled herself around my legs. Her dark curls were pinned up into a bun and she sported a tiny leotard, skirt and ballet shoes.

“Emmy!” she cried, hugging me closely. She grabbed hold of my shirt and gently lifted it up. “Hello baby,” she whispered to my stomach. I giggled at the cuteness of Maddie. She'd taken to calling me Emmy after deciding that Emma took too long for her to say. There was no point explaining to a four year old that saying Emmy was just as much work as saying Emma.

“Ballet lessons?” I asked, laughing. She was so god dammed cute! Claire rolled her eyes.

“She doesn’t start them until next week, but I can’t get her to take it off,” she replied.

“Come in.” I added, closing the door behind them. “Sorry, the place is a mess,” I explained blushing.

Having Cass here was one thing, but having someone else, especially Simon's ex-wife, see the house in this state was not good. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I pasted a smile on my face, one that said ‘hey, I love unexpected visitors!’

“Are you kidding? You are seven months pregnant. You shouldn't be doing anything.”

“And you sound just like Simon,” I grumbled. “Do you want a coffee or a tea?” I asked, still trying to figure out why she was here. She never came over when Simon wasn’t here, as in never.

“Sit,” Claire ordered, “I'll get it. Do you want one?”

“Decaf, no sugar thanks,” I said, making a face. Ugh. I hated the taste of coffee without sugar and decaf somehow managed to taste even worse, but it was still better than nothing. I let Maddie drag me over to the sofa, where she plopped down next to me.

“Did you know it's my birthday in a month, Emmy? Maybe baby will come early so we can share our birthdays!” She clapped her hands excitedly, making me laugh.

“Maybe,” I smiled, deciding there was no point explaining why I wanted this baby to stay inside me for as long as possible.

I tried to focus on Maddie and her chatting, but the mention of the baby coming early had se

nt me into a spin. These cramps were getting more severe and more often. What if they actually indicated that something was wrong?

“Are you okay? You look a little green,” said Claire, setting my drink down in front of me. She handed a glass of milk to Maddie, who took it and began gulping it down.

“I’m fine,” I grinned at Maddie, who now sported a milk moustache, not about to let on how I was feeling to Claire. She probably already thought I was a nutcase and I didn’t want to give her more reason to think that.

Claire was lovely and I really had no logical reason not to like her, I just felt so damn small next to her. She was prettier, more successful and she was the definition of the woman I thought I needed to be for Simon. How long until Simon realized he was better off with her?