“Possibly a day or two. It usually isn't long until the release. Could be as long as a couple of weeks though.” He came up behind me and hugged me.

He had been the one to call Grant this time. Not me. As soon as I saw his face I knew. I didn’t have to ask. The bastard had been granted parole. It felt as though all of a sudden what happened to me didn't matter. How could that kind of pain inflicted on a ten year old only mean ten years? I'd never move on. And here he was, free to start his life over.

“Em, you can get through this. You know you can.” He held my hands, his eyes steadily staring into mine, as if he was trying will strength into me. Managing a small smile, I pulled him into my arms. Kissing him softly on the neck, I began to believe for the first time that I would get through this

Simon stood gazing out of the window as I loaded the dishes into the dishwasher. I loved having a dishwasher. As much as I loved cooking, I'd avoid it a lot more if it meant I would have to wash dishes by hand. We had just finished eating a chicken casserole. Simon had stayed with me the entire day.

“You have such a stunning view.” I looked up and smiled. “Come over here.”

“No thanks. I am fine right here.”

“You don't go out?” He looked surprised. I shook my head.

“Never.” I admitted. I saw the look in his eyes. A challenge. “The whole agoraphobia thing. The furthest I’ve made it is sitting with the door open, on the inside” I added. Simon, now in front of me, grabbed hold of my hands and guided me toward the balcony.

“We will stay right up against the window, and leave the door open.” He promised, inching me toward the open air. My heart began to pound in that familiar way.

“I can't.” I shook my head desperately, glancing around for a way to get out of this. I tried to breathe deeply, knowing that is what my therapist would say.

“Yes you can. Look at me.” I looked into his eyes. Focusing only on him, I let him lead me outside. “You are so sexy Em.” He mumbled, fiddling with my shirt buttons. His eyes didn't leave mine. I let him kiss me, barely noticing my silk shirt glide past my shoulders. I felt the clasp of my bra break free.

“Here?” I asked, alarmed. The touch of his fingers over my breasts forced me to relax. His eyes still had not let my own.

“Em, it's nearly midnight. The only lights are those of the city. I am trying to distract you.” His hand motioned to the sea of lights in the distance behind him. “I want to be inside you. Now.” He rubbed my breasts harder. God it felt good. I let him prop me against the wall. I undid his fly and reached into his pants. He was so hard I could feel the blood throbbing through his hardness. I stroked him, loving the way he looked at me when I had him in such a vulnerable position.

“Not yet.” I whispered. His confusion cleared as I kneeled in front of him.

“Oh god Emma.” He groaned as I took his length in my mouth. I had become quite the little tart where Simon was concerned. I took his length in my mouth, causing him to jolt back. The table scraped forward, causing both of us to jump. I smiled up at him.

“I hope I'm doing it right.” I said innocently, batting my eyelashes.

“Oh god Em. Don't look at me like that.” He gasped.

“Like what?” Again, blinking my eyes innocently, watching him watch me suck on his girth.

“Fuck, oh god!” He yelled. He gripped the back of my head, jamming his length as far down my throat as he could. I felt him convulse, again and again, until my mouth was full of his juice. I flicked his tip until he could take no more.

“Stop.” He begged, pushing me away. He slumped to the ground. “Holy shit. You are such a little tease” He gasped. He wiped the sweat beginning to drip down his temples away.

“So I did okay then.” I was unable to keep the smile off my face. He raised his eyebrows and leaned in to kiss me.

“You know how much I liked that.” He pulled me over to him so I straddled his body. My god he was still hard. He gently lifted me onto his hardness. I gasped as my sex engulfed him. He groaned and rubbed my breasts. He gently rocked me back and forth as I ground myself into him. He felt so good inside me.

“Jesus Emma, what the hell are you doing to me?” He gasped, rocking harder and harder. I felt the pressure inside of me build up with each movement. I could feel he was close to blowing inside me, which made me all the more worked up. “Fuck Em. Shit!” He cried. I gasped, my body spasming in sync with his.

“Simon!” I cried, clenching my sex over his hardness, every move creating a landslide of orgasmic pleasure. I collapsed beside him on the ground, only my skirt still on. Simon still fully dressed.

“Hey, I'm outside.” I whispered in wonder. I

stared up at the twinkling stars. “At least I can cross exhibitionist sex off my list now.” Simon laughed loudly at my joke.

“You have a list?” He asked, amused.

“No.” I replied hotly. “I was joking.” I rolled my eyes, knowing I was indeed not joking. I vowed to find a new hiding place for my little pink notebook.

Maddie sat on the other side of the bench watching me intently. Her eyes followed my every move as I layered the lasagne. Her pretty little features screwed up as she pointed to the eggplant.

“Ew, what's that?”