My reflection sta

red back me in the hallway mirror. I smoothed over the black skirt Cass had brought me. The blue top was more revealing than my usual attire, but I loved the way it made me feel. I felt sexy. Blue was a great choice with my dark hair and blue eyes. I tugged down the top slightly to reveal the slightest glance of my black lace bra.

I blushed as I thought about the matching lace panties. Cass had assured me there was nothing wrong with a bit of playing, and playing didn't entitle him to anything more. It was kind of funny hearing Cass give me the 'no means no' and 'I can stop at any time' lecture. That was probably the one thing I had been glad to miss out on growing up. The sex talk. I don’t know if mom had found it too awkward, or whether she thought I simply didn’t need it, but not once had she spoken to me about sex. Gran had, but then again, gran usually brought sex up in every conversation.

All through my teen years, sex was something bad. Something negative, something that could be used to hurt me. Even today, it was hard not to see sex as a scary obstacle that would eventually be placed in the way of moving forward in any relationship. Who thinks like that? A victim of sexual assault. That’s who.

The knock startled me, even though I was expecting it. He was right on time. My nerves were on high alert. I begged my inner goddess to stay in control. Things would go pear shaped fast if my insecurities got the better of me.

I opened the door. He stood, his lean body leaning against the door frame. His height meant he almost touched the top of the frame. His hair looked as though it had been styled with a run through with his fingers. I fought back the urge to run my own fingers through it. Stray ringlets broke through the conformity and fell around his ears.


“Hey.” He looked at me appreciatively, his eyes lingering on my cleavage before slowly rising up to my eyes. “You look beautiful.” He murmured, his lips curving upwards.

Oh god. I could feel my legs beginning to buckle. I wanted him. I wanted him so bad. This friendship thing was so not going to work. I stood aside, letting him into the apartment. I managed smile as he walked past me, his scent hitting my senses like a sledgehammer.

Aftershave and sweat. I breathed him in. Then realised how creepy I was being. Closing the door, I took the opportunity to compose myself.

Get a grip Emma!

He was already walking to the couch when I turned around. I breathed in sharply. His ass. His ass was beautiful. He wore loose fitting cargos, and a button down shirt. The sleeves of the shirt were rolled up slightly, revealing the sculptured arms I’d admired the other day. Arms I'd love take hold of me right now and throw me down on the couch-

“Em?” I looked up to Simon staring at me. He held up two movies with a look of mock annoyance on his face. “Choose.” He ordered. I pointed to the first. I had no idea what either of them were, but frankly I didn't care. I wasn't planning on watching the movie. I was planning on watching him. Carol glared at Simon from her spot on top of her scratching post. Apparently she was planning on watching him too.

“Sit down Em. You look really vague. I will grab us some drinks.” I followed his orders and sank into the couch. Vague. Great. Now he thinks I'm a space head. I grabbed the cover of the movie I'd chosen.

Pulp Fiction? I groaned inwardly. Wonderful. Just wonderful.

Two hours and forty nine minutes later the movie finally ended. That was almost three hours of my life I'd never get back.

“So?” Simon turned to face me. His eyes showed his excitement. “How did you like it? It's a classic.” He added, smiling.

It crossed my mind to lie. I could tell him it was one of the best movies I've seen.

“I appreciate the director’s vision.” I finally offered after a great deal of thought.

Yes. That was the best I could do. There was nothing else positive to say about the movie at all. Simon looked shocked for all of a moment, then burst into laughter.

“You hated it.” His eyes sparkled, amused. “You know this is one of the best movies of all time.” He shook his head in mock disgust. “It was nominated for seven Oscars.” He cocked his head to one side, not bothering to hide his smirk.

“Well, not my type of thing.” I shrugged my shoulders defensively. So what if some shoot em up movie wasn’t my thing? Suddenly I had a great idea.

“Why are you smiling all of a sudden?” Simon eyed me nervously. I widened my grin, the idea forming in my mind.

“So, now I get to choose the movie, right?” I laughed as his expression turned from nervous to horrified. “Come-on, it can't be that bad.” I teased. “You trust my taste, right?”

Simon made a face.

“Hey. Stop being a dick or I will pick a really bad movie.” Simon put his arms up in mock surrender. I kicked him playfully. Now for the big decision. What to make him watch. It was a pretty easy decision, I leaned past him on the couch. He gasped as my arm grazed over his chest. I jumped back, embarrassed.

“I’m sorry.” I stammered. My face heated up as I realised he thought I was putting the moves on him. “No it’s not what you think. I didn’t mean to...” I trailed off. I didn't mean to what? I wasn't even sure of what I'd done. Simon smiled at me, his eyes sad.

“It’s not you Em, It's me.”

“That’s original.” I said dryly. “I was only trying to reach the DVD. Nothing else.” I added. His eyes followed as I pointed to the DVD case on the table. He handed it to me. Too quickly. His eyes avoided mine. Now he was the one to blush. The joys of small victories.

“What did you mean?” The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.