“You little slut!” My face went redder.

Chapter Eight

“Simon?” repeated Cass. “Hot law professor who goes to our university, who is twice our age Simon?”

I blushed. To that point, I hadn't really considered the age difference. He was four years younger than my mother. Which made him 18 years older than me. That was going to be an issue with many people, including my parents. I didn't need Cass banging on about it too.

“Simon who is a bit of an asshole, Simon?” Cass added. I rolled my eyes. I could tell this was going to go down so well…

“Nothing has happened.” I felt the need to defend myself, which was crazy considering Cass had had enough sexual partners to fill a stadium.

“I can’t point out how many things are wrong with this.” Groaned Cass. “Does he know about..? You know…”

“Gee Cass, how the hell would I have worked that into the conversation?” I tried unsuccessfully to keep the annoyance out of my voice. Cass had always been nothing but supportive of me. It had never occurred to me that she might have a problem with this.

Why did she have such a problem with this? How was this any worse than her using bent penis guy for sex? It scared me that I might not be able to share things with Cass. I needed her, and her support.

“I’m sorry Em.” Her face softened. “I’m just worried about you.”

“And I appreciate that, but you're not really helping here.” I was nervous enough without having to worry about not having her support. She jumped off my bed and gave me a hug. I relaxed, hugging her back. This was what I needed. My best friend.

“What can I do?' she asked, her whole demeanour changed. Gone was all the negativity. Cass looked at me with bright eyes. She smiled, and I knew her feelings were sincere. She just wanted me happy.

“You can try being a friend for starters.” I couldn't resist a final dig at her.

“You know I'm always on your side.” Cass looked hurt. I reached over and squeezed her hand, instantly regretting my retort.

“Then let me enjoy this with you.” I pleaded. “Besides, all Tom has done is give me shit.”

Cass laughed when I told her what he'd done. Even I was smiling by the end of it. Not that he was forgiven. No, he still needed to pay for that, big time.

“So,” Cass began. “Have you kissed him?”

“No.” I blushed. “We are just friends. I think friendship is all I could handle. Right now at least.” Cass nodded, her eyes full of understanding.

“Em, you go at the pace you need to. If he is the right guy for you, he will understand. What can I do?”

“I need something to wear.” I looked at her sadly, motioning to the mess of clothes covering my floor.

Cass jumped up, determined and smiling. “I’ve been telling you for ears you have no taste. Give me an hour. Have coffee ready for me.” She instructed, putting on her jacket.

“Cass, what the- At least take some cash.” I called, waving some notes at her. She ignored my pleas and raced out the door. I stretched my legs out on the couch. I knew I had a few hours wait ahead of me. Cass was an obsessive shopper. I checked my email.

My mood dropped slightly when I saw there were no messages. I really wanted to call him, but I couldn't bring myself to press dial. In the end, I settled on a text, in the hope he'd ring me. It worked.

“Hello you.”

“Hi.” I smiled. I loved hearing his voice.

“So, do you know anything about forcing children to eat vegetables?” He asked, amused. I laughed, childhood memories of me stuffing cabbage into my socks filling my head.

“No children like vegetables,” I giggled. “Did you?”

“No, but that's not the point.” He laughed. “I’m not four and throwing a little tantrum.” Maddie cried loudly in the background. Poor girl.

“What are you trying to make her eat?” I was picturing a big plate of cabbage and cauliflower.