“Hello.” I mumbled, cringing.

“Well hello there.” He said, amused. Way too amused. He was loving this.

“Hi.” I responded, feeling embarrassed. And angry. I was so fucking angry.

“So, Tom seems like a nice guy.”

“Tom’s a fucking asshole.” I yelled, loud enough for him to hear. Tom yelled back an inaudible response. Simon chuckled.

“So” I tried desperately to redirect the conversation. “You’re at the park.”

“Yes, my daughter’s friend’s birthday party. I've been making balloon animals all day.”

“Yes, your daughter.” This was good. Maybe I could scoop up some information on the ex-too. “How old?”

“Four. A little ratbag.”

“I bet she's adorable.” I said, already knowing she was, thanks to Mr Google.

“She is.” His voice softened dramatically. His whole demeanour changed. I knew then how much his little girl meant to him. She was the most important person in his life, it was obvious he'd do anything for her.

“And you share custody? How often do you have her?” I was hoping I could lead this into gaining some insight into his ex-wife. Jealous paranoid Emma was back.

“I usually have her two nights a week, and one weekend a month. Claire is in Asia for work at the moment, so I have her for a week.”

“Claire is your ex-wife?” I asked innocently.

“Yes.” He chuckled. “I am sure you have googled her already.”

“No, I'm not some crazy woman.” I lied, forcing out a laugh. Unfortunately, my voice came out way higher than I’d have liked. “Besides, why would I Google a professor’s ex-wife?” God I am such a mo

ron. He laughed again.

“Anyway, I better go, I just wanted to say hello. And to reassure you I'm not a psycho.”

“You probably think I'm the psycho now.” I moaned, shaking my head. I was going to kill Tom.

“You’re not a psycho.” He chuckled. “I think it’s cute. And Emma?”

“Yeah?” I squeezed my eyes shut, sure his next comment was going to be another dig.

“I like that you have a crush on me.”

I groaned again, as his laughter filled my ears. He thought I was cute. Cute was a monkey in a fur coat running around Ikea. I didn't want to be cute. And I was no closer to finding out about him and Claire. He chuckled again before hanging up. I saw Tom peer around the corner.

“Come here you bastard!” I growled, stalking toward him.

He was so dead.

Chapter Six

Kitchen sparkling, lounge room clean, entire apartment vacuumed, I flopped down on the couch exhausted. Tom had gone out on some hot date. Probably an excuse to get out of my way. I was still pissed off at him from earlier. He had said sorry over and over, but when you can't say the word without breaking into fits of giggles, you're not really that sorry. I would make him pay someday.

I hadn't heard from Simon since the phone call. Which really wasn't that unusual since it was only five hours ago. I just was not used to feeling this way. I hated that I liked this guy so much. I hated it more that I would probably never act on it. And if he made a move who knows how I’d react?

The fantasy of him was great, and there was undoubtedly a connection there, but being intimate with him, and not knowing how I’d react to that, was unnerving. It was embarrassing that my mind was even going there. Even the thought freaked me out. Yet, at the same time, it aroused me. Why couldn’t I just pick a damn feeling and stick with that. I hadn't even met Simon, yet his voice sent me into a frenzy, and I checked my email every five minutes in the hope of hearing from him.

Beep. Speaking of which.