“Hey.” I smiled. I was so glad to hear Simon's voice.

“Hey you.” He tried to sound light, but I knew something was up.

“What is it?” I felt my stomach tense. Bad news. It was always bad news.

“They want me to keep my distance from you until this blows over. A week or two they reckon.” I heard him sigh. This was as hard for him as it was for me.

“That's not too bad is it? I was expecting months.” I tried to lighten the mood. This was good news right?

“There is more. They say they can't allow the protection order I had put out on you. “


“Shit Em, we will work this out. I don't care if I have to park outside your apartment every night myself. Or his.” He added spitefully. “Though if I'm ten feet from him I reckon I might kill the bastard.” He muttered. “I have to go Em, I will email you later. Love you.”

I didn't even have time to say I love you back. I told myself to focus on the good. I'd only have to go a week or so with Simon. I could do that.

“So, what did he say?” I jumped, forgetting Cass was there. I relayed the story to her. I left out the part of him wanting to kill Derek, not entirely convinced that was a joke.

“Oh Em, let me and Tom take care of you, please? You would do it for either of us in a heartbeat.” That was true. Roles reversed, she wouldn't have a choice. I’d be cuffing her to her bed if necessary.

“Okay.” I said, too tired to argue any more. Not only that, I was scared. Really scared. “Hey so what's with you and Tom anyway?” Their odd behaviour flashed back into my mind. I’d been meaning to ask her for days what was going on.

“What do you mean?” Her face flushed bright red. I stared at her. I'd never seen Cass blush.

“Come on, I need a distraction.” I begged. Making her feel sorry for me was the easiest way to get information out of her. She was hiding something, and I wanted to know what it was.

“Oh I really like him Em. With your history, I didn't want to, you know.”

“Our history? Cass we have never really been anything more than good friends.” I laughed. “If you want to tap that, go for it.”

Cass glared at me. “There's no use anyway, he doesn't even know I exist.” She said in despair. “Not like that, anyway.” She shook her head, red locks flying everywhere. Tom really was daft sometimes. He had a beautiful girl like Cass right in front of him and he didn't even know it.

“I will talk to him.” I decided.

“No!” Cass shrieked, throwing a cushion at me. “I'd die of embarrassment. I don't want a pity date. I couldn't think of anything worse!” She buried her face in the cushion I'd just thrown at her.

“Okay, settle down, I won’t say anything.” I crossed my fingers behind my back. Payback for calling Simon the other day maybe? I giggled. Cass caught my smile.

“I swear, Emma Mancelli....” She warned, her blue eyes blazing, figuring what I was up to. I smiled at her innocently.

“I won’t say a word.”

Chapter Twenty-One

“What did you want to talk about?” Tom threw me a beer. Cass had gone to work, leaving Tom to babysit me. A perfect time for my plan to take hold. My match-making was proving to be a great distraction.

“Nothing, just thought we could catch up. How are you going?” I tried unscrewing my beer. Stupid top. I put the bottle under my jumper to give more traction. Finally it twisted off.

“I'm good.” Tom replied slowly, eyeing me with suspicion.

“Seeing anyone?” I asked casually. I picked the lint off my blue jacket. Yep. That was me. I was the queen of acting casual.

“What? What is this Em? Since when are you interested in my love life?” Tom looked really confused, and I didn't blame him. This was not going according to plan. I decided a more direct approach was needed.

“Are you an idiot?” Okay, possibly too direct, judging by the bewildered expression on Tom's face. His mouth hung open in shock. “Are you even aware Cass is in love with you?” Tom’s mouth dropped lower. He snapped it shut, and opened it again. I giggled. He looked like a fish.

“Say what? Where the hell did you get that idea?” He ran his hand through his dark hair, searching for signs he may have missed. “Holy shit, the other day.” He breathed.