“Holy shit Simon.” I gasped. My sex ached unbearably as he tried to circle my sex post orgasm. “No.” I gasped, pushing him away. He laughed, pulling himself up the bed to kiss me. We kissed, the taste of myself was unnerving at first. Soon he was on top of me, his hard penis pushing up against me. Reaching between us, I guided him gently inside of me. Clutching onto my shoulder, he pushed himself deeper inside. I gasped, loving the feeling of having him so close to me.

“Fuck, Emma.” He collapsed on the bed beside me. “How are you so amazing?” Turning on my side to face him, I bit my lip and smiled.

Chapter Fourteen

I opened up the containers, the delicious smell of Chinese wafted through the air. My stomach rumbled in anticipation. I hadn't realised how hungry I was. Simon had put Maddie to sleep in my bed. She had announced to me she wanted mac and cheese for dinner, not Chinese, so we worked together in the kitchen to prepare it. Not long after, she'd fallen asleep again on the couch.

I looked up as Simon strolled into the kitchen. He looked worn, like the long day had taken its toll on him. This case must’ve been really stressful on him. Every day this week he had picked Maddie up from my house well after 10pm.

“You.” He said, leaning in to kiss me “Are amazing.” I smiled and handed him a bowl and a glass of beer. He kissed me again. We took our food over to the couch. I slid down to the floor between Simon's legs, using the coffee table to lean my dinner on. He tickled my neck as we both ate silently, watching the end of Aladdin (for the sixth time).

It amazed me how quickly we had settled into a pattern. It had only been a few weeks, but I felt like we'd known each other for years.

The feelings he roused inside of me were so new to me. It made me nervous. I'd learnt a long time ago not to trust anyone. Hell I barely trusted myself most of the time. Handing my heart over to someone else made me feel so vulnerable. The one thing in my life I'd always had control over I no longer had. He was in control of my heart now. And I was still terrified of getting hurt.

He finished, and slid down to the floor behind me. I giggled as he began kissing my neck. His distractions made it difficult for me to finish the last few bites of my food, but I somehow managed. He tilted my face to kiss my lips. I jumped to my feet.

“Come with me.” I backed down the hallway, smiling to myself, as he followed me, confused. As we reached the bedroom, I climbed onto the bed, wrapping my arms around his waist as he stood in front of me. We kissed.

“Amazing, amazing woman.” He mumbled, planting kiss after kiss on my lips. I lay back in his arms, allowing him to cover my face with his soft kisses.

“You're pretty amazing yourself.” I whispered. “But you need fresh material.” I giggled.

His hands reached under my shirt, kissing my neck as he tried to free my breast from my bra cup. He massaged his fingers over my nipple, sending shivers down to the core of my body.

“Is that so

?” He lifted my shirt, his mouth enclosing over the curve of my breast. He bit down. Hard. I yelped in pain, burying my face in his hair.

“Your daughter is in the next room.” I giggled, pushing him away.

“She's a very heavy sleeper.” He kissed my chest. I squirmed and swatted him away.

“No.” I said firmly, pulling my top down and tucking my breast back into its cup. “I can just imagine that getting back to your ex-wife.”

Simon laughed. He joined me on the bed, rolling onto his back, giving up. My eyes travelled down to his very obvious erection. He caught my gaze. I blushed.

“Yes, that's what you do to me, Miss Mancelli.” He said wryly, shaking his head. He loved the fact that I was embarrassed. I could tell from the way he laid back on his elbows, all of his affection for me clearly on show.

“Think unattractive thoughts.” I giggled. “Think about your mother-”

“Emma!” Simon yelled, rolling forward onto his knees. He clapped his hands over his ears. “You did not just say that to me! Do you never want me to have a hard on ever, ever, again?” I giggled uncontrollably, falling into his arms. The look of horror on his face simply made me laugh even harder.

“I'm sorry, that was cruel.” I said, still giggling. He shook his head trying his best to look angry at me. Only he couldn't. His frown cracked into a smile and his eyes twinkled with amusement.

“Yes it was.” He said gruffly. “You will pay for that someday.” I poked my tongue out at him. Any way he got back at me would be worth seeing that expression.

“So tell me about Maddie's mom.” It was a random question, causing Simon to almost fall off the side of the bed.

“Claire?” He asked, surprised, repositioning himself to face me. “We were together for fifteen years. Married for ten. We just drifted apart. When it came down to it, we wanted different things.” He looked at me strangely. “Why the sudden interest?”

“I really liked meeting her the other day.” I shrugged, not adding that this was far from sudden interest, more like an obsession. “You still get along though?” He nodded.

“Yes, we are good friends. We worked very hard to keep things good between us for Maddie.”

“It’s still a little strange to have met your ex-wife.” He nodded, looking sheepish. “She is one of my oldest friends. I've only told her, and my best mate, Aaron.” He ran his hand through his soft, curly hair. Why the hell would anyone let this amazing man go?

“Have you told anyone? Besides Tom.” He added, smiling. I blushed. Fucking Tom.