“How can you possibly think I am pulled together? I am agoraphobic. I haven’t left the house without the help of sedatives since the attack. I’m not remarkable. I’m certainly not special.”

Simon shook his head, smiling. “You think being agoraphobic means you can’t be special? News flash Emma. You get up every day. You study. You have great relationships with your friends. You are an amazing, caring, funny girl. So what if you can’t leave the house? So you’re not perfect, but who is?” He kissed my forehead. “You cope every day, in spite of what happened to you, and that is what makes you remarkable.” He gently pushed away a strand of my hair, and looked deeply into my eyes. “I want you, Em.”

“What does that mean?” His kiss answered everything.

“It means I’ve tried being your friend and it wasn’t that good...”

“Gee thanks.” He laughed loudly. He kissed me again, his soft lips hungry for mine.

“You know what I mean. I can’t just be your friend. I need all of you Em. The good and the bad.” He leaned in again, his lips connecting with mine in yet another passionate kiss.

Chapter Eleven

“Woo hoo! About fricking time!” Cass raised her glass and cheered at me. Tom joined in. I smiled at them both.

“Em, I'm so happy for you. I mean I know I wasn't the biggest supporter of you guys in the beginning, but I can see how happy he makes you and that makes me happy.” I leaned over and hugged Cass.

“I am happy. Really happy. When we kiss, it's like...” I sighed. How was it that I couldn't find the words to how he made me feel? I could always find the words. Tom groaned.

“This isn't going to turn into a girly chick crying hugging thing is it?” I cheered as Cass whacked him over the head with her bag. Tom looked shocked. Even Cass was surprised at the force of her swing.

“Hey!” Cass simply shrugged. “You deserved it.” She replied nonchalantly. I rolled my eyes. How had I managed to score such amazing friends?

Cass and Tom kept bickering. They were both so similar in personality. Cass was threatening to hit him over the head again.

“Guys, please.” I put up my hands. “Either get a room, or shut up. Enough with the violence too” I directed my last comment at Cass, who went an even deeper shade of red, while Tom sat there with his mouth open. What the hell is with these two, I wondered. I'd never heard them argue so much in my life.

“So when are you seeing him again?” Cass changed the subject, but not before flashing a glowering look at Tom. I looked at my watch.

“Oh, in about an hour?” Both of them stared at me. “What?” I protested.

“How many days have you seen him this week?” Cass teased.

“How many times have you seen bent penis guy?” I shot back. Tom laughed.

“Seriously? Okay, I so need details on this one.” He crossed his arms over his chest and waited for Cass to spill. She glared at me as I poked my tongue out at her. That would teach her to mess with me.

“What, you’ve never seen a bent penis?” Cass grumbled, taking a large gulp of her drink.

“Actually I haven’t. I’ve never even heard of a bent penis.” Tom sputtered between fits of laughter.

“Well now you have.” Tom reached over and shook her arm. Cass rolled her eyes, and shot me another look. I smiled back at her innocently.

“Come-on. You have to give me more than that.” He begged. Cass rolled her eyes again and stood up. “Take me out for a drink and maybe I will fill you in.”

“You didn’t answer my question.” I interjected smiling as they both headed toward the door.

“Neither did you.”

“We were only friends up

until yesterday.” I protested.

“It was never ‘just friends’.” Scoffed Cass. “From day one you two have had some weird connection, admit it. That first email, you were smitten.” Tom grinned back and forth at Cass and me. He was loving this. He liked to see us argue. Probably some kind of sexual thing, where he hoped it turned into a naked pillow fight. Every guy probably hoped a girl fight would turn into a naked pillow fight though.

“Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. Does it really matter now?” I pushed her into her coat. “Now both of you, go.” I ordered. I could still hear Cass arguing halfway to the lift.

“Hey you.” He leaned in and kissed my cheek gently.