I glanced over at her other wrist. Bandaged. Why had I been such an asshole to her the other day? Was that what triggered it? Even the thought that I could be responsible for making her do that, made me sick.

“Alex found me. I guess I called him before . . .”

“God, Rose, I'm so sorry. I've been such an ass. I do like you. I really like you. My track record with relationships has been less than stellar.” I saw her eyes divert from mine. It was for a fraction of a second, but long enough for me to realize she knew. “Who told you? About Belle?” I asked, trying to comprehend what I was feeling.

“Belle,” she repeated, her lips falling into a frown. “I didn't know her name.”

“It messed me up pretty badly. I don't know if I can go through that again,” I said, my voice gruff. Toughen up, Jack. You're on the verge of losing it. I bit my lip. Crying to the girl I was falling for about my dead ex-girlfriend? Yeah, that would cheer her up. “What I'm trying to say is, we both have our issues. I can't deny that I have feelings for you, Rose, but I can't promise I won't fuck things up.” Fuck, I was great at this.

She smiled. Before she could reply, my phone rang. I sighed and fumbled in my pocket for it. Alex.

“Hey,” I said.

“Jack, you need to get down to the bar right now. The fucking place has burnt down!”

Shit. Seeing Rose sitting there in the living room had made me completely forget to tell Alex about the bar.

“I know. I mean, that's why I came over here. I need a place to crash for a few nights.”

“Shit, yeah. Of course. How much damage was there?”

“Downstairs is pretty messed up. It was vandalized before it was set alight. Upstairs is fine, and so is the cat.”

“Wow. I don't know what to say. Can I do anything?”

I laughed. “Hell, I don't even know myself what to do,” I said, only half-joking. “I will see you later.” I hung up. Rose stared at me, open-mouthed. “It's not that bad, Rose. It can be fixed. Everything is insured.

“Who the hell would do that?” she demanded, her eyes flashing. I shrugged. If I knew the answer to that I'd be feeling a lot happier right now. “Oh my god . . .”

“What?” I said.

“Harmony,” she said, her voice full of venom.

I shook my head. “No way. I mean, sure, Harmony is a bitch, but she's not insane. She wouldn't do that.” I assured her.

Only, I didn't quite believe my own words. I hadn't wanted her to meet Mr. Jefferies because I thought she was capable of some crazy shit if she ever got pissed, and I think it was safe to say that she couldn't have gotten much more pissed than had in the last few weeks.

“Yesterday, I got home and she was in my apartment, Jack,” Rose whispered.

“What the fuck, Rose? Why are you just telling me this now?” I growled, upset I hadn’t been there to protect her. “She was in your apartment? How did she get in there? Oh god . . .” My old apartment. The wonky window in the laundry that I used when I locked myself out. I'd bet my life that the tight ass landlord wouldn't have fixed it.

“I don't know. I think through a window? Anyway, my point is, she's a nutcase.”

“What did she want?” I asked.

Rose hesitated. “For me to stay away from you.” I stood up, angry as hell and ready to retaliate. If she were a guy, I'd be around there punching the shit out of her. “Jack.” Rose panicked as I grabbed my keys. “Just leave it. Please,” she begged, her eyes wide. She reached out and clutched my arm.

“I won't do anything stupid. I'm just going to go to the police to have them check her out. If it was her, she's going to pay.” I bent down and lifted her head up to mine. After running my tongue over my lips, I pressed them gently against hers. “I'll see you soon, I promise.”


“Jack!” Harmony’s eyes lit up as she straightened her dress. “Well, this is a nice surprise.”

She waved her hand, inviting me inside. “So, you’ve finally come to your senses,” she said smugly as she led me into the kitchen.

I glanced around at the mess.

“I’m baking,” she said defensively. I snorted.