Come over when you're free. Could use someone to talk to.

I chuckled as I pressed send. I gave him ten minutes to get here. Alex had been forever at me to get some counseling and for three years I'd been knocking him back, saying I didn't need to. The idea of helping me would be too good for him to pass up.

My phone beeped. I picked it up, expecting Alex, but saw that it was Benj.

His name’s Tony. All I have is an email: [email protected]

I'd almost forgotten about the private investigator. Almost.

I flicked open my laptop and opened my email. Quickly, I typed out an email to this Tony dude before I could change my mind.

I shut the laptop and pushed it aside just as Alex began to pound on the front door. I glanced at my watch and laughed. Twelve minutes. Impressive, little bro.

“You sure got here fast,” I commented, locking the door after him.

“Yeah, well you made it sound kind of urgent.”

I made a face. “Sorry about that. Not so much urgent as me just needing to get some things off my chest. Drink?” I asked.

He shook his head. “Working later. But don't let me stop you,” he added dryly. I chuckled. As if he ever could.

“So, where were you?” I asked. “You must've been nearby?”

“Yeah, I was having coffee with Rose,” he replied evenly. My grip on the tap tightened at the mention of her name. Suddenly she was in my mind again, her body up against my bare skin, her lips tasting mine . . .

“Are you okay?” Alex asked, giving me a funny look. “Is this about Rose?” His voice was softer. “And Belle?”

I snapped at the sound of her name. I knew exactly why it bothered me, because the thought of her with anyone else ripped my heart out, but being with her made me feel guilty; like I was hurting Belle. I had no idea what to do. I’d called Alex to tell him about hiring the P.I to find our mother, but now, all I wanted to do was talk about Belle and Rose

“Every time I think about being with Rose, I can’t turn my guilt off.” I sat down at the nearest table, my head falling into my arms. “I fucked up so badly with Belle, and everything. I’m not sure I can get past that.”

“You will. It will take time, but slowly you’ll be able to accept that what you’re feeling for Rose in no way erases what you had with Belle. Jack do you…” he hesitated. “Are you still in contact with Luke?”

I shook my head. “He sends the odd email, updating their life. I can’t reply. I can’t talk to Luke without thinking about how much I hurt them. Then I think about how Sally doesn’t even know about my involvement with Belle and it’s all too much.” I’d been shocked that Luke had forgiven me. There was no way Sally could ever get past my relationship with her sister leading up to her death.

“Maybe that’s where you need to start. Talk to Luke. Start with an email, and gradually work up to a phone conversation. You might have moved on, but you still harbor so much guilt over Belle. It’s not healthy.”

That’s why my brother was so good at his job. He knew just what to say. I nodded. That’s where I would start. An email to Luke. I could handle that.

“Thanks,” I mumbled. “But don’t think this ‘talking shit out’ thing is going to become a regular thing,” I warned.

Alex laughed. “Of course not. Jack Falcon is like Chuck Norris. He doesn’t have feelings,” he quipped.

Chapter Twenty


I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I let myself inside. I’d had a really good talk with Alex, and I was finally feeling better about the whole Jack situation. The place was empty—again. It seemed like Marina maybe stayed there once or twice a month. I didn't mind though. Having my own space was really growing on me, and knowing Benj and Darcy were just upstairs was reassuring.

The buzz from the refrigerator echoed through the quiet room. I flicked the lights on then walked over to the TV and turned that on, too.

After letting the blinds down I began to unbutton my top, discarding it on the floor as I walked through to my bedroom. One of the good things about being alone was I didn't have to worry about cleaning up after myself right away. I could leave it till morning.

Unzipping my skirt, I eased myself out of it, kicking it aside as I turned on the lights in the bedroom.

“Hello Rose.”

I screamed, backing into the wall as my heart jumped into my mouth. What the hell? I blinked several times, sure I was imagining the figure sitting in front of me on my bed. But there was no mistake. Harmony smiled up at me, her eyes full of something I couldn't quite decipher. All I knew was it made my skin crawl.