I walked over to the spirits and grabbed a bottle of Scotch; just to take the edge off. I poured it into a glass, and tossed in a few ice cubes. Hell, I was shaking. I took a deep breath and stared at the drink sitting in front of me.

Three years. That was a long time between drinks. I wasn't sure I wanted to go back to that place. The old Jack? He would've knocked back this Scotch without a second thought then gone for another.

Now? Well, now I was thinking before I acted. Before I did anything these days I thought about the consequences. This whole thing with Harmony . . . and Rose . . . it had made me realize just how far I had come, and how easy it would be to slip backwards.

Fuck. I threw the shot, glass and all, into the sink, wincing as the glass shattered on impact with the harsh steel of the basin. I'd worked so hard for tonight and I wanted to be able to enjoy it. And more than that, I'd worked so hard to improve myself.

It didn't take long until the bar was crowded with people. The deejay was pouring music out over the speakers and everyone was drinking, talking and dancing. People looked as though they were having fun. The atmosphere was great, and the place looked fantastic. Things were going really well and I was beginning to relax.

My eye caught Rose as she swayed through the crowd with her tray of food balancing delicately on her hand, chatting to people—smiling, flirting. Her hair was wrapped up in a bun with loose strands falling around her face, curling slightly at the ends. She looked so pretty in her black skirt and black shirt with the words “The Chill Bar” embroidered across her breast.

My chest tightened as I watched her laugh at something some asshole in a suit muttered to her. Was he trying to pick her up?

I watched her react to his attention, anger boiling up inside of me. A pretty woman came up to him and threaded her arms around his waist, smiling at Rose. The three of them laughed while I stood back watching, feeling like an idiot for the way I’d reacted.

"Hey, baby."

I turned around, my mouth dropping open at the sound of her voice. What the fuck was she doing here? Harmony was dressed in a sheer black lace dress that left little to the imagination. She let out a giggle as she stuck her chest out a little more. Like it needed it. You couldn't help but stare at her breasts. Christ, you could even make out her nipples.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"What, you didn't think I'd miss your big night, did you?" She giggled, and flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder.

"Um, yeah. I kind of did think that. From where I was standing, it seemed pretty clear the other night that we were over," I said curtly. Her expression didn't falter.

"Come on, Jack, surely you didn't think I'd miss this? I was angry, but it's all good now." She grabbed a glass of champagne from off the bar and took a sip, her eyes scanning the room. They narrowed as they locked on Rose.

All good? Somehow, I doubted it. I sighed. I didn't have time for this now.

"Look, I don’t have time for this now. I have to go and speak to some people. Just stay out of trouble please?" I shot her a look. Her eyes widened as she stared back at me innocently. Yeah, little Miss Innocent, I'm talking to you.

I walked toward the stage where the band was setting up.

"Jack, hey! Thanks again for having us." Mike, the lead singer, jumped down to greet me. "Good turnout, huh? You must be happy,” he said, shaking my hand.

"I'll be happy when it’s over and done with," I chuckled. "Are you guys ready to kick off in fifteen?"

"Sure are," he grinned. "Looking forward to it."


The band kicked off their first set, setting off a cheer from the crowd. I walked back over to the bar, where Ash was struggling to serve a sudden influx of people.

“Hey darling, what can I get you?” I asked a pretty brunette. She looked at me in surprise and giggled. I chuckled; the accent. American women loved the British accent.

“I'll have a white wine, thanks. And your number if you want to give it to me,” she flirted. I winked at her, and filled a glass with a dry white.

"Is every woman in this place standing at the bar right now?" Rose mumbled next to me as she refilled her tray with finger food. She was right. It seemed Ash and I were causing quite a stir amongst the ladies.

I chuckled and gave her a wink.

"Even you, hey?" I teased.

She blushed and stuck her tongue out at me. "Don't flatter yourself," she said, biting back a smile. "I'm here for the food only."

She took off into the crowd before I could respond. I turned to the next person in line, another woman, another adoring smile.

"What can I get you, Darlin?" I asked, giving her a wink. She giggled to her friend and stumbled. I laughed. Now I had them falling at my feet. "You right there?"