"What? She's hot," Ash chuckled, leaning back in his chair. She was hot. But sometimes crazy outweighs hot, and this was one of those times.

"Dude, there are plenty of hot women willing to do whatever it is she does for you," I said, shaking my head. He threw his head back and laughed.

Ash simply had to walk through a room to command female attention. He was tall with blond hair, blue eyes, and he had a body even I could admit was in good shape. When he wasn't working, he was surfing. Yeah, Ash definitely had no problem getting girls. His problem was that he didn't like to keep them around for very long.

Sounds familiar, I know.

"Oh? You think you're one to talk, hey?" He raised an eyebrow at me, his blue eyes twinkling. "One word, Jack; Harmony." He grinned at me.

"What about her?" I asked innocently. Harmony came up in conversation at least once a week and never in a good way.

"Come on, man, you wanna talk about insane? I think Harmony tops that list. You can do better than her. I'm sure there are plenty of hot women willing to do whatever it is she does for you," he mimicked. I glared at him as he threw my words back in my face.

"Uh, Jack. He's right. Harmony is a major bitch," giggled Darcy.

"She's not a bitch to me," I retorted. "What?" I protested as the guys exchanged glances. "Okay, so she can be difficult, I'll admit that, but she's a really good fuck

," I said, my tone bordering on whining. Ash reached over to high five me while Darcy tossed a straw at my head.

"There are so many girls I could set you up with who are actually nice," grumbled Darcy. "And I'm sure they are all decent at sex, too."

"Darce, I appreciate it, but I'm happy at the moment. Anyway, I thought this intervention was for Ash?" Ash glanced up and smirked at me. I rolled my eyes. "Just deal the cards," I said to him.

* * *

The game was now down to Darcy and Ash. Ash, of course, was being an asshole and going all in every hand which was frustrating poor Darcy. Once it was down to just you and Ash, it was pure luck if you won.

"Another beer, anyone?" I asked, pushing my chair back. Benj shook his head. Ash stood up and cheered. He flipped over his cards to reveal a flush. Darcy slumped in her chair, glaring at him in disgust.

“I fucking hate you,” she grumbled, tossing her cards into the center, sending them scattering in all directions. Ash just laughed.

"I gotta run, but good game," he said with a grin, scooping up his winnings.

"Yeah, for you, maybe," I shot back, placing a glass under the tap and tilting it. As usual, Ash had bluffed and lied his way through the game and walked away with the cash. He patted me on the back as he walked past.

"Don't worry, man. You'll beat me one of these days," he laughed.

Benj and Darcy appeared at the bar.

"You guys leaving too?" I asked. They nodded.

"Yeah, sorry man. See you soon, though, okay?"

"Sure," I said. "Oh, Benj?" I called, just as he was walking out the door. He turned around. "I have a few new songs I want to play here once things settle down. Interested in jamming?"

"Anytime. Just let me know the details." Benj was a mad drummer, and was just as good with a guitar. We'd played together in the early days at the bar, and I was keen to get back into it with him.

I walked over to the door and locked it after them, pulling down the blind. Walking through the darkened space with a surge of excitement, I felt like a kid waiting for Christmas to arrive. I was about to embark on a new journey, and I was either going to sink or swim.

My phone rang as I walked upstairs. Seeing it was Alex, I answered.

“You missed a good game,” I chuckled as I walked into my apartment, closing the door behind me. I walked down the hall and let out Mr. Jefferies. He glowered at me from his spot on the spare bed, and then turned his head away, pissed off by the lack of attention he’d received. I shook my head. Sometimes that cat had more attitude than Harmony.

“Yeah, I know, if it makes you feel any better I just got home myself. My piece of shit car is fucked. It's being towed to the garage now. Can you do me a favor? Give me a lift home from work tomorrow? I can get one of the guys to pick me up, I just don't have a way home yet.”

“Sure,” I said. “Maybe now you'll get rid of that piece of shit Chevy and get yourself a reliable car . . . like a Pinto?” I laughed. Anything would be more reliable than what he had now. When your car breaks down once a month like clockwork, it's time to move on.

“Fuck off,” he growled. I laughed. Any chance I got to give my brother shit about his car, I took it.