I began to cry as I watched the bright red blood seep out of the open wound and trickle down the palm of my hand, past my fingers and onto the floor. I dropped the blade, suddenly feeling woozy.

I lay back down on the bed. Curling my knees up to my chest, I continued to watch the blood flow. I don’t know how long it took—maybe it was minutes, or maybe it was hours—but eventually I fell sleep.

Chapter Twenty-Two


It took over an hour, but I finally had an email composed to Luke that I was happy with. I read it over one last time before I clicked send.

Hey Luke,

Thanks for your emails, it means a lot to me that you wanted to keep me involved in your life. I’m sorry I haven’t replied until now. I had a lot of trouble accepting what happened with Belle, and how much I hurt all of you. Communicating with you meant all that pain would surface again, so it was easier for me to forget.

I’ve been working really hard to get my life in order, and after three years, I feel as though I’m finally getting somewhere. I own a bar—which is my baby—and I’ve poured my heart and soul into making it into something that Belle would be proud of.

I’ve also cut out the scotch if you can believe that. For the first time in a long time, I’m doing things for myself, and it feels good.

I hope you’re well. Give my love to Sally and Annabelle.

Love Jack.

Sending that email, I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. I’d been carrying that guilt for so long, this was the first time I felt some progression towards resolving it. As I went to close the laptop, I spotted an email from Tony. My finger hovered over the email for a good minute before I clicked open. Whatever was in here, I wasn’t sure I wanted to know.


Your mother is living in Manchester, United Kingdom under the name Kate Jennings.

Her address is 679 Blanshire Road. I have a phone number too; 000-314-932.

She is married to a Bill Jennings, and they have two daughters, and a grandson.

I hope you find what you’re looking for.


I sat back on the chair, my eyes wide. Holy shit. Running my hands through my hair, I took in the news. My mother, the woman who deserted us, had been living a two hundred mile drive away. Having this information, and knowing what to do with it were two completely different things. While I’d always wondered where she was, and who she was now, I wasn’t sure I was ready to face her. Or even if I wanted to.

I closed my laptop. This was too much. Right now, I had no desire to meet Kate Jennings. There were too many things complicating my life as it was. The last thing I needed was another thing to stress about.

Chapter Twenty-Three



I stirred, but didn't open my eyes. I was dreaming, and for the first time in ages, I was happy.

“Rose!” The voice became more persistent.

Sighing, I struggled to move. My arms felt heavy, like they were full of lead.


My eyelids fluttered open. Alex was kneeling over me. Where was I? My fingers, wet and sticky, brushed over something. Bed. I was in bed. I struggled to sit up.

“No, Rose. You need to keep lying down. An ambulance is on the way. You're okay,” he added softly. I lost myself in his eyes. There were so many emotions in there that trying to figure out what he was thinking made my head hurt. I knew what he was thinking, though. He was thinking about what a nutcase I was.

My eyes traveled down to his naked chest. What the . . . ?