“How did you end up with a girl like Harmony?” I blurted out. I winced. What a totally awful thing to ask someone, especially considering I knew nothing about their relationship. The thing was, you don’t look at someone the way he’d been looking at me when you’re in a happy relationship.

“Fair question,” Jack said, amused. “I guess Harmony stops me from seeing what else is out there.” A sadness filled his eyes. “I’ve been hurt in the past, and Harmony is—was—like a buffer. Falling in love can happen so covertly. And by the time you do realize it’s beginning to happen, it’s too late, all you can do is go along with it, the good and the bad.” He made a face. “And that’s my cue to leave,” he joked, “This has been good, Rose. Thanks for inviting me out.”

“And?” I asked, nodding toward his empty food wrapper. He laughed heartily.

“Well, I’m by no means an expert, but yes, it was pretty damn good.” Yes! I don’t know why hearing him admit that felt so good, but it did. And I was sure I was grinning like an idiot. He stood up, brushing a few stray crumbs off his clothes. “I better get back to work. I’ll see you tonight.” He winked at me before walking off. I staying sitting as my eyes followed him off into the distance. The familiar wave of anxiety began to work through me as my head began to process what he’d said. I felt so bad for him. I couldn’t even imagine what had led to him being left feeling so broken and alone. I’d want to reach out and hug him and show him he didn’t need to be alone, yet at the same time his actions mirrored my own. How could I be so affected by his words when I ignored the same feelings of abandonment in myself?

Rose, what the hell are you doing?

Chapter Twelve


Working with Rose wasn’t quite as bad as I’d expected. At work she was as professional and focused as anyone else. She worked hard, and fast. And I’d lost count of the number of times my eyes had wandered over to her. A quick glance here. Pretending to write invoices when what I was really doing was checking out her ass.

I’d been shocked, to say the least, when she’d texted me, but saying no hadn’t been an option. The thought of learning more about her was an opportunity that was too good to pass up. That had been three days ago, and I so badly wanted to ask her out again. But something was stopping me. She was getting to me, and I needed to be careful. Avoiding seeing her out of work was a good start. I’d opened up to her way more than I should’ve—more than I had to anyone else—even Alex.

That scared the hell out of me.

After giving the apartment a quick tidy up, I grabbed my keys and my phone and walked downstairs. I needed to get some air. The sun was out, but the cool breeze that was blowing made me wish I’d grabbed a jacket. My phone buzzed in my hand. I checked the ID and saw her name. Rose.

“Hello?” My heart pounded as I waited to hear her voice float through.

“Hi. Jack. How are you?” She sounded as nervous as hell, which made me smile. “I was wondering…if you wanted to catch up for a coffee?” her voice squeaked by the end of the sentence.

“I’ve got a better idea. Text me your address. Can you be ready in ten?” My plan of avoiding contact with her out of work was going really well. That had lasted what, five minutes?

I pulled up outside a very familiar apartment complex on the north side of town. She was waiting for me, sitting on the bottom step of the stairwell that led inside. Her face lit up when she was me. She stood up, brushed off her ass—which made me laugh—then walked over to my car.

“Well, this place looks familiar,” I commented as she buckled up her belt.

“That’s right. Darcy said you used to live here. In my apartment,” she added mischievously.

My fingers tightened around the steering wheel, the thought of her in my old place making me feel dizzy. Images flashed through my head; her in my shower…did she walk around the place naked? Which bedroom was hers? God, if it was my old room, I’d lose it. I could picture her, lying there naked, touching herself.

“You right there?” She was smiling at me, her eyes slightly narrowed, like she was trying to figure me out.

“Yeah. I’m fine. So, how do you feel about the beach?” I asked. Her eyes widened.

“You’re taking me to the beach?” she repeated. I laughed. She didn’t look impressed.

“What?” I chuckled. “Where not going in the water. There is the best pizza down near the jetty. My turn to teach you a few things.”

She blushed as I winked at her. Yep. This girl was cute alright. I pulled out onto the street and turned left. Next to me, Rose hummed softly to the tune on the radio. I pulled up in an angle park opposite the beach. We both got out, and crossed the road.

We walked down the footpath that stretched along the length of the beach until we came to Giuseppe’s. Rose raised her eyebrows at me as I opened the door for her. “Just go in,” I said, rolling my eyes. She laughed as she entered the restaurant. Well, maybe ‘shack’ would be a more accurate term for this place. A converted beach bar, Giuseppe’s was home to some of the best pizza in the country.

We sat down and looked over the menu. I ordered a Brooklyn special, which was piled with pretty much everything. Rose ordered a rosemary and potato focaccia.

“Fancy,” I said, raising my eyebrows. She laughed.

“I wouldn’t go as far as fancy, but yes. Compared to your pile of…slush I suppose it is fancy,” she replied.

I snorted. Did she just call my pizza a pile of slush? This, coming from the Taco truck girl.

“So Jack. Tell me three things your friends don’t know about you?” Her question caught me by surprise. Three things. I thought hard, trying to come up with something witty and original.

“I have a secret addiction to Project Runway, I’ve been known to live off paper plates so I don’t have to wash-up and one of my new favorite foods is street tacos.” My reply came out immediately. Jack, Jack, Jack. Seriously?