“Yes, Annabelle and I have met,” I said, smiling sweetly. “So what do you do, Annabelle? Are you still in school?” I asked innocently. She shot me a look.

“Yes, I’m still in school. I’m in my last year at St Martin’s High school,” she replied calmly.

“Really, that’s fascinating! God, high school was so long ago I can’t even remember it,” I said with a forced laugh. Belle glared at me. Sally, oblivious to the tension in the room, laughed.

“Yes, I heard you were a bit of a player in high school. Luke told me all about you. And I bet things haven’t changed, have they? Are you ever going to settle down?”

“What’s the point in settling down when women are throwing themselves at me?” I laughed again, taking a swig of my beer. Belle slammed a fork down on the table, her jaw clenched.

“Excuse me,” she said storming out of the room.

Sally shook her head, her brow furrowed. “Sorry about her, you know how it is—teenage hormones and all that,” she apologized.

I knew how it was, all right. Something told me this lunch was not going to get any easier.

Chapter Ten

“So,” Luke began as Mrs. Gale slipped into her seat. We all sat around the table, waiting for Luke to continue. I could feel Belle’s eyes boring into me from where she sat across the table. I pretended not to notice, leaning in as though Luke’s next words had me on the edge of my seat. “There is a reason we asked you all to dinner tonight. As you know, little Thomas will be here in a couple of months, and we want all of you to be involved in his life.” Luke reach for Sally’s hand and then turned his attention to me. “Jack. I’ve known you for years. You’re my oldest friend, and as hard as you play and as much as you claim to hate kids, I know you’d make a great father. We would be honored if you would be Thomas’ godfather.”

Even though I had

been expecting it, actually hearing those words was a whole other story. A lump formed in my throat. What the fuck, why the hell was I feeling so emotional? I didn’t want kids, my own or someone else’s. I knew the chances of something happening to both Luke and Sally were slim, but all the same I just didn’t need this responsibility right now. Or ever.

“Wow. I don’t know what to say,” I stammered, reaching for my water.

I searched for the right words and realized they weren’t there. If I was going to decline, now was not the time—not with all these people around, and especially not with Belle staring at me from across the table. I couldn’t think straight with her in the room.

“Thanks guys, this is a huge deal. It means a lot to me that you trust me enough to ask this of me.” And it did mean a lot. It made me realize exactly how much Luke loved me.

“And, this might come as a surprise to my favorite sister, but Anabelle, Luke and I would be honored if you would be Thomas’s godmother.” Sally smiled at Belle, who laughed and nodded.

What the hell? How was I going to get this girl, this underage girl, out of my head if I had to see her every time something baby-related came up? The only saving grace of this whole situation was with her as godmother, chances of me ever having to fulfil my obligation became even slimmer.

“Thanks, Sally and Luke. It means a lot to me that you want me to be a part of Thomas’ life,” Belle said quietly.

With the formalities out of the way, the rest of dinner moved quite quickly. If anyone noticed the tension between Belle and me, they didn’t mention it. Everyone talked and laughed amongst themselves, and every now and then my gaze would meet Belle’s until one of us looked away—usually me.

Four o’clock couldn’t come fast enough, because it gave me the perfect excuse to leave. I was meeting Dad for dinner to discuss something business-related. It was always business with Dad. I couldn’t remember the last time we’d had a conversation that wasn’t about work. Just once, I’d like him to sit down with me and talk like a normal father and son would. That would never happen though, and wishing for it would only feed the fury inside of me.

“Thanks for dinner, guys, it’s been great,” I said, shaking Luke’s hand and kissing Sally’s cheek. “Mr. and Mrs. Gale, it was lovely meeting you both again. I hope we can do this again soon.”

“You too, Jack. I hope we can do this again soon. You’re a good man, according to Luke.” Mr. Gale shook my hand gruffly. I managed a smile, trying to push the images of me on top of his daughter out of my head. If only you knew, I thought.

I turned to Belle, my heart pounding. Leaning in, I kissed her cheek, breathing in the fruity scent of her perfume. As my lips touched her cheek my whole body jumped. I had done the one thing I didn’t want to do: react to her.

I was fucked up. Even now, after everything, after knowing who she was and how old she was, I still wanted her. More than that, I needed her.


I entered Calare’s, the only restaurant in this part of London my father would step foot in, and glanced around. He wasn’t there—not that that was really surprising considering I was twenty minutes early. I approached the waiter. He led me to a small table in the corner by the window. I thanked him and sat down, ordering a glass of scotch.

Glancing out the window, I sighed. My life was never this complicated. I worked hard to keep things clean and free from drama. This was the last thing I needed right now, especially with Dad on my back about this deal. I felt the vibration of my phone against my thigh. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled it out. One new message. I opened it, not realizing it was from Belle until it was too late.

I’m sorry. I don’t know what I can say to make this right. The last thing I wanted to do was lie to you. I thought you would have ran a mile if you knew I was only seventeen.

I snorted and shoved the phone back in my pocket without replying. So she did have my number. The thought of her roaming through a phone (her father’s?), searching for my number, made me smile.

A pretty, redheaded waitress walked over to my table carrying my scotch. She smiled as she set it in front of me. Tilting my head slightly, I narrowed my eyes and grinned up at her.