Once again he reached for the phone and dialed room service, ordering lobster, bread, fresh fruits, cheese, shrimp. A minute later when he hung up, Abby was grinning.


She giggled. “Who are you planning to feed? I certainly couldn’t eat a fourth of what you ordered.”

God, she was beautiful. Even without a hint of makeup, with hair hanging in rope-like strands that were half-dry, Abby Morrison was hands down more beautiful than any woman he’d ever known, both inside and out. And maybe he did order too much food, but he wanted to please her.

“I just thought you’d enjoy a variety,” he said, hoping his voice didn’t sound hoarse. “So, you really had a good time today?”

Her angelic face lit up, and her green eyes sparkled. “I’ve never seen anything like it. For just a minute there I wished I was Ariel.”


Abby laughed again. “Ariel? The Little Mermaid?”

“Oh. Sorry, I’ve never seen it.”

She shifted to her side, folding one arm behind her head. “It was like a whole new world under there. The colors were so vibrant. I really think I could become addicted to sea life.”

Cade listened to her as she went on about the school of fish they’d seen, and it made him happy to have shared the experience with her. As he sat there, something shifted inside him. This moment seemed so perfect, so…right.

When did Abby go from being his efficient assistant to the heart and soul of his daily life?

Before he could answer his own question, someone knocked at the door.

“Room service.”

“Already?” Abby asked, pushing up on her elbow.

Cade grabbed his wallet, took out tip money and let the waiter in. Once he’d positioned the cart in front of the bed, Cade paid the man and closed the door behind him.

“What would you like first?” Cade took off the silver dome lids and set them on the small table in the corner of the room.

“I’ll just have the fruit plate for now.”

She’d shifted up to her knees and rested her hands in her lap. She looked like an innocent, pure beauty.

And she didn’t deserve to be treated like she was anything less than perfect.

“I’ll bring it to you,” he offered and returned to the bed with a tray of fresh pineapple, strawberries and blueberries.

She smiled. “That looks great.”

He set the plate in front of her and eased to sit next to her, careful not to shift the plate.

Okay, so being this close to Abby while she sank her teeth into juicy fruit then licked her lips and fingers was just pure torture. But he’d gone too far to turn back now.

He couldn’t explain if it was the image of her crumbling at his feet or the vibrant way she talked of their morning excursion that made the coin flip to the other side, but all he knew was that he wanted Abby. He wanted her in his bed. Now. Tomorrow and the next day.

And even though he hadn’t heard back from the important phone call he’d made last night, he couldn’t wait another minute.

When she picked up a ripe strawberry, he covered her hand with his own. “Let me.”

Abby didn’t know what had happened, but everything shifted. Cade fed her strawberries, wiping her mouth with the pad of his thumb after every bite.

There was something different in his eyes. Something…did she dare hope?

“I’m afraid I’ve gotten your bed wet from my suit,” she told him, trying to figure out just what was going on.

“I don’t give a damn about the bed.” He lifted a small blueberry to her lips. “You scared the hell out of me when you fainted.”

“I’m sorry.”

His eyes moved from her lips to meet her gaze. “Don’t apologize. I’m just glad you’re okay. Are you sure you don’t want me to call the in-house doctor?”

“No, I’m feeling better.” She chewed the fruit. “I just needed to eat and get inside. All the excitement probably just got the best of me. I’m not used to all this.”

He pushed a strand of hair over her shoulder. “You should be. You should have the best life has to offer.”

Embarrassed, she looked down to the half-eaten fruit plate. “I’ve got a good life, Cade. I don’t need to be pampered or given the best of everything.”

He tipped her chin with his hand. “I disagree.”

“That’s because you’re used to being pampered,” she joked, but he didn’t smile. If anything, his eyes heated even more.

Her nipples puckered against her bikini and she was sure it showed even through her tank.

“I’m a fool,” he muttered, taking his hand from her chin to cup her cheek.