“Cade. Abby.” Brady came charging toward them.

“Told you,” Sam said with a smile as she turned toward her husband of only seven months.

Brady slid his arm around Sam’s waist—or where her waist used to be—and drew her to his side. “About time you got Abby out of that office to see what all her hard work goes for.”

“Oh, I don’t mind,” Abby told him. “But I must admit, this is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen.”

“That’s what we like to hear,” Brady told her before turning his attention to his brother. “How long are you staying?”

Cade shrugged. “A few days. We have some issues that I need to discuss with you in person and I’d like to take a day to relax.”

Brady’s brows rose. “Relax? Cade Stone?”

“It happens on occasion,” Cade defended.

Abby opened her mouth and before she could think better of it, she asked, “When?”

Brady threw his head back and laughed, Sam snickered, but tried to be polite about it and Cade just stared at Abby.

“Okay, maybe not since you’ve been working for us, but I did when our father still ran the company.”

“I don’t recall that,” Brady chided. “But, I will say you’re long overdue and I’d love to have you here with me and Sam for as long as you want.”

Abby was thrilled to be able to spend some time on the island that meant so much to the Stone boys and to the company. This resort was the first property purchased by their father. Of course, then it was stolen by Sam’s father and just recently taken back into Brady and Cade’s hands.

Abby didn’t know a lot of the details surrounding Lani Kaimana—which meant Royal Diamond—but she did know that somewhere in the middle of all the turmoil and backstabbing of companies, Brady and Sam had fallen in love and were now expecting twin girls in a few short months.

Talk about a romantic story. She couldn’t wait to get the scoop from Sam later. There was no way a woman who beamed that much at a man wouldn’t want to tell every detail about their journey to the altar.

“Let’s get started on business so we can get you to that relaxation,” Brady told Cade.

Sam leaned up and kissed her husband on the cheek. “Use my office. It’s bigger.”

He hugged her with a smile. “You always have to brag.”

Abby looked to Cade expecting…what? A hug? A kiss?

Nope. No PDA for them.

She wished that didn’t hurt, but she could no more stop her feelings than she could stop the evening tide from coming into shore.

Cade glanced her way as he started to walk with his brother. “We’ll meet up later.”

Abby could only nod and will away the lump in her throat. This was the man who’d just given a whole new meaning to the “mile high club,” right? So was he being distant because he was in businessman mode now or because he was around Brady?

“Being in love sucks sometimes, huh?”

Abby tore her gaze away from Cade’s retreating back and stared at Sam. “Yes.” Obviously the woman had been in Abby’s shoes or she wouldn’t be able to read her so easily.

“Well, you’re doing better than I was. I denied being in love for a long time.” Sam took hold of Abby’s hands. “Come on. Let’s go shopping and eat lots of chocolate.”

Abby laughed. “You can eat all the chocolate you want because you have a reason. Me, I just say the word and gain a pound on each thigh.”

As if they were old friends, Sam wrapped an arm around Abby’s shoulder and led her to the front entrance where a driver was waiting.

“Oh, I just wish I could have the sexy, pinup-girl figure like you,” Sam said as the driver opened the door for them. “Tell you what. I’ll eat a lot of chocolate while you watch and you can try on clothes that don’t have an elastic waistband while I watch. Deal?”

Abby nodded and got into the car. “Can’t argue with that.”

“What the hell were you thinking?”

Cade knew the bombshell wouldn’t be pretty. And he’d only dropped half of it.

Brady slammed a hand down on Sam’s desk causing a picture to tip over. “You got yourself engaged to Mona Tremane because of some absurd notion that we needed to go global and couldn’t do it on our own?”

Because he wasn’t in the mood for a fight, Cade eased back in the black club chair and crossed his ankle over his knee. Maybe if he appeared nonchalant about this situation, Brady would settle down.

But probably not.

“Basically, yes.”

Brady ran his hand through his hair. “And when is the big day?”