Cade stood by the door he’d just closed behind the masseuses and Abby remained by the patio doors. He didn’t speak, but was looking at her as if trying to contemplate what to do or say.

Abby nearly laughed. Cade Stone at a loss for words and actions.

“I don’t know about you,” she said, taking a step forward, hoping to cut through the tension, “but I enjoyed getting pampered.”

“This isn’t going to work.”

His words stopped her. “What?”

Moving forward in a slow, deliberate manner like a panther to its prey, Cade closed the gap between them.

“I can’t be part of your research for honeymoon amenities anymore.”

Abby looked up into dark eyes, covered mostly by heavy lids. “If your schedule is too full, I can try to adjust it. I mean, this research is to benefit—”

He kissed her.

Without grabbing her, without touching any part of her body. Just lips to lips.

But Abby’s whole body heated as if he’d touched every inch of her skin from head to toe.

He may not need to touch her more, but she needed to touch him. Abby raked her hands up his shoulder, gripped hard and secured their bodies together.

Cade didn’t hesitate. He wrapped his arms around her waist and arched her back. His lips tore from hers, only to trail more demanding kisses down her neck and into the open V of her robe.

Abby groaned as her nipples tightened and tension curled low in her belly. She didn’t know what she was doing—what they were doing.

Well, okay, she knew what they were doing, but she couldn’t explain why. Why now? Why…

God, did it matter? Now was certainly not the time to analyze this situation.

Her hands moved up to either side of Cade’s smooth, freshly shaven cheeks. “Cade.”

She whispered his name as his mouth parted her robe even further. The ache in her was unlike anything she’d ever known. She wanted him, wanted this, wanted to make love to him since she’d fallen in love—nearly a year ago.

But just as abruptly as he’d driven her to this passion-induced haze, he stepped back, leaving her cold and confused.

“That’s why,” he said in a hoarse, raspy voice. “I can’t be with you in this setting and not want you.”

Even more confused, and even more aroused, Abby clutched her robe together as if trying to keep his kisses locked inside.

“You want me?” she asked.

His gaze darkened. “I think that’s obvious.”

“Then why push me away?”


She held up her hands. “Sorry, I’m sorry. Mona. You’re getting married.”

Her hands were shaking. Abby shoved them in the pockets of her robe, praying Cade hadn’t seen just how unnerved she was.

The muscle in his jaw clenched as he stepped forward again. “Abby…”

She offered him a smile. The fact that he was, yet again, at a loss for words humbled her. He was feeling torn, which was a good thing for her. But she really didn’t want him to be miserable.

She wanted him to see that he could have it all—a business and a wife who loved him. But he’d have to come to that conclusion on his own.

Yes, it was obvious he wanted her, but Abby wanted, deserved, more. She deserved to be loved.

“It’s okay,” she assured him. “I’ll go stay in the other room. I’ll have your luggage sent over along with your schedule for the next few days while we’re here.”

Cade lifted a hand as if he wanted to touch her again, but just as quickly dropped it. Her heart ached for him, for her. For this whole situation.

Hopefully everything would all work out in the end. If Cade loved her, she’d be the richest woman in the world—and not monetarily.

If he chose to go ahead with his wedding plans to Mona, well, Abby would just continue to work for Stone Enterprises. She needed the job and she needed to know Cade was happy.

No matter what he decided.


Cade emptied the tub of the now cold bathwater and watched as the dwindling bubbles shifted down the drain, some still clinging to the side of the tub.

As he sat on the edge, he still couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment in time when his life had gone from perfect and heading in the right direction to chaotic and heading down two different paths.

The urge to march to Abby’s room and say to hell with everything was too strong…strong enough to scare him senseless. Obviously. If he had any sense, he never would’ve kissed her the first time, let alone a second.

This last kiss was just to prove a point to himself and to Abby that they had entered dangerous territory. But he’d done more than kiss. Once he’d started, he’d wanted more. So he’d taken it.