“I’ll be right here while you sleep.”

“I don’t have any intention of sleeping tonight at all,” I reply. “If this is my last night with you, I want to remember it.”

“Don’t speak like that, Erin.” His dark eyes flash with passion. “I’m not going to lose you. I won’t let that happen.” He pulls me into his arms, embracing me tightly.

I smile through my tears. I wish I felt just a little bit of his confidence. I don’t want to waste a second of tonight, because it might be my last night with him.

“Lay down with me?” I whisper.

He scoops me into his arms and carries me into the bedroom, placing me on the bed. I scoot over so he can join me, then wrap myself in his arms where I feel warm and safe. He leans down and kisses me, pressing his mouth against mine. I wrap my hands around the back of his neck and pull him closer to me. He smiles, tilting my head back so he can kiss my neck. My heart races, not only because of the way his touch makes me feel, but also because I know that this might be the last time we’re together. Stop thinking about tomorrow. Focus only on tonight—the here and now, where it’s just the two of us.

“You’re the most incredible person I’ve ever met.” His kisses engulf me as he presses his mouth against mine. “You’re so strong.”

“Oh God,” I whisper. A soft moan escapes from my lips as he slides his hands behind my back. They creep under my shirt, his fingers running down my spine.

“Is this okay?” he whispers.

I arch my back in response, the sensation both unbearable and incredible at the same time. He touches my thigh, bunching my dress above my hips, then pulls away just long enough to guide my dress over my body and then my head. I reach behind my back to unclasp my bra and slide it over my arms. After I toss it aside, I wrap my arms around his neck and tug the back of his shirt. He takes the hint that I want it gone and peels it off. Smiling, I run my fingers over his bare chest.

“Take your pants off too,” I whisper, a gleam in my eye.

He smirks, unbuttoning his jeans and somehow shuffling them off without leaving the bed. I giggle at his talent. He lowers himself down on me until our bodies touch.

“You have me so worked up,” he mumbles.

I brush my fingers over his crotch and grin at how hard he is.

“If you’re going to tease me, you need to do more than that,” he growls.

“Really?” I chuckle. I hold his gaze as I reach down and stroke his length. I press my mouth against his, kissing him as I tease him. He sighs, throwing his head back.

“That feels amazing,” he mutters with a groan.

I gently grind myself against him until he can’t handle any more. I wrap my fingers around his cock and press him against my entrance. I gasp as he pushes himself inside me, my legs curling around his waist. I keep my eyes on his, watching him as he enters me.

“I love the way you look at me,” he whispers, tenderly stroking my hair. A bead of sweat rolls down his temple as he thrusts himself further inside me, his movements getting faster. “I love you so much, Erin.”

“I love you too,” I say softly.

He pushes harder, rocking my thighs against his as his climax intensifies. I can’t take my eyes off him, because I want to remember every second of this. He gasps, gripping hold of my side, and I know that he’s almost there.

“Oh yeah,” he groans, releasing inside me. His body jerks forward as his body convulses.

I kiss his shoulder, savouring the feel of him against me as he collapses on top of me. I touch his back, fingers tracing circles over his warm, sweaty skin. My legs wrap tightly around his waist, keeping him close. I don’t want this perfect moment to end, but I’m so exhausted.

“Did I mention I love you?” he whispers, kissing me gently on the lips.

“Once or twice,” I murmur. I smile, rolling onto my side where I can get closer to him.

I close my tired eyes, just for a second, as his fingers gently graze my back. I focus on the sound of his steady breathing. He makes me so happy. How can I possibly die when I feel so alive?

The tears begin to fall, because I don’t want this to end.


It’s six in the morning and I’m lying in Cade’s arms, listening to him snore, lost in my own thoughts. Somewhere between sex and now, he fell asleep, but I’ve been awake all night thinking…worrying…wondering…

My stomach churns. I’m so nervous that I feel sick. I’ve got less than two hours before I need to be at the hospital, but I can’t seem to get myself moving because I love where I am too much, and moving means it’s happening.