“You handle it remarkably well,” he offered. He paused, his expression becoming serious. “If it makes you feel any better, I used to get bullied, too.”

“You?” I said, arching my eyebrow. I wanted to roll my eyes. This was as bad as those celebrity specials on TV where they all share their sob stories about being bullied as kids.

“Yes, me.” He laughed. “What, you don’t think a hip, cool guy like me could be teased?”

I blushed again.

Hip? I was thinking more along the lines of hot…sexy…amazing…

“You blush a lot, Wrenn. You should really get that under control. It gives away everything,” he said with a wink. And just like that, he was next in line.

He placed his order,and then turned around. “What are you girls having?”

I relayed our order to the cashier. We stood off to the side together to wait for our drinks.

“You didn’t have to buy our coffees,” I said shyly. “I wouldn’t want to get you into any trouble.”

“It’s coffee, Wrenn, not a joint,” he smiled and I blushed again. God, I did need to work on my blushing. He chuckled, and shook his head as I ordered.

We stood next to one another, waiting. Could he see how nervous he made me? I was a wreck. My hands were shaking, my mouth was dry, and I couldn’t stop thinking about how wonderful he smelled.

The barista placed our coffees on the counter. Dalton smiled at me as he reached for his.

“Have a good day, Wrenn.”

Carrying our drinks over to the booth, Kass stared at me, her eyes narrowed.

“Was that our hot teacher I saw you talking to?” she accused.

“You came up for air long enough to see that, huh?” I grinned, setting down the tray. Trina laughed and reached for her cup.

“Yes. So was it?”

“Yes. He was in front of me, so we chatted.” I shrugged innocently.

“Do you think he’s hot?” she asked with a giggle.

I rolled my eyes.

“Oh, do you! You’re hot for teacher! Go for it Wrenn, slut it up and make him want you.”

“Shut up,” I said, giving her the finger.

She laughed, taking a sip of her latte.

“I’m not going to throw myself at him like the rest of the school population.” I was happy just admiring the view from a distance.

Chapter Seven


“Mr. Reid, can I get help with this?”

I glanced up. Paige Warner stood in front of me, her hands resting on my desk.

“What’s up, Ms. Warner?”

“This homework assignment—I wondered if you could have a look at it for me and make sure it’s okay?” She leaned over, her blonde hair falling over her shoulder as she tilted her head, eyeing me seductively.