“Is that your subtle way of saying I should go out somewhere?” I tease.

“It’s my subtle way of saying if you don’t, you’ll wish you had.” she grins, poking out her tongue.

I take Stace’s advice and go out with the guys. It’s just another party with loads of girls and free alcohol. As much as I enjoy letting loose, I am tiring of the same old thing. I’m desperate for something to happen. Something new. Something to take my mind off my mess of a life. Regardless, I spend a good part of an hour downing drink after drink.

“’Sup with you?” Max asks, slumping down on the ground next to me. We’re sitting outside on the deck of a huge house owned by a guy who is the friend of a friend of a friend of Max’s cousin.

“Just not really in the mood, I guess.” I shrug and finish the rest of my drink, discarding the can beside me.

Max laughs, his expression one of disbelief. “Dude, you’re fucking kidding me,” he says, looking around. “There is so much choice here tonight. I’ve already made out with a handful of chicks. God, I love being a rock god.”

“Yeah, well I might leave you to service the rest of them,” I chuckle, getting to my feet. I’ve had enough.

“You’re leaving already?” Max asks, his eyes wide with disbelief. “You need to unwind, Sax. Here.” He pushes his drink into my hands.

I laugh and hand it back to him. “I’ve had enough to drink to know I’m just not up for this tonight.” I shove my hands in my pockets and shrug. “No drama, I’m sure I’ll be back on form tomorrow. I’ll see you later, okay?”


The walk home only takes about ten minutes, and I’m glad I’ve had the time to sober up a little when I see Dad’s car in the driveway. The light shining through the living room window tells me he’s still up. I contemplate turning around and walking the streets until he goes to bed, but I decide to just get it over with. The argument is imminent—whether it happens now, tomorrow, or next week just depends on how long I avoid him. Taking a deep breath, I stomp up to the front door and let myself in.

I follow the faint sound of the television into the living room. Dad looks up from where he’s seated on the sofa. A hint of annoyance settles on his face when he realizes it’s me.

“You’re home,” he mutters, turning his attention back to the TV.

I haven’t seen him in over two weeks and that’s all I get. I laugh and shake my head. “Nice to see you too, Dad.”

“What do you want from me, Sax?” he sighs. “I told you before you left on your silly little road trip that this was the last time. I refuse to stand back and watch you fuck up your life.”

“So that’s it?” I laugh. “You just cut me out? Pretend I’m not part of the family because I don’t want to do things your way?”

“Just leave it alone. Be thankful you’re still welcome under this roof,” he mutters, taking a long sip of his double malt whiskey. I know if he had his way I’d be out on my ass. That’s about the only thing I’m thankful to Mom for, though I’m sure Stace had more to do with it than I did.

“You call this welcome?” I can’t believe some of the shit that comes out of his mouth. “Dude, you’ve got no fucking idea how to be a decent father. I can see you making the same mistakes with Stace that you made with me. How long do you think until she hates you too?”

The words sting as they leave my mouth, and for a brief second I want to snatch them back. But then I take in his reaction. He doesn’t move. He doesn’t even flinch at my words, his eyes not leaving the TV. Hell, I’m not even sure that he’s listening to me. Fed up, I mutter a few choice words under my breath and stomp up to my room.

What’s the fucking point in getting into it when he refuses to even listen?

Chapter Three

The phone wakes me at what I can only assume is an unreasonably early time. Groaning, I fumble on my nightstand, my eyes focusing on the time first, and then the caller. I’m right—it’s fucking ten a.m. But more importantly, it’s Andrew, my manager: the only person I’m not prepared to ignore.

“Hello,” I mumble, trying to sound as awake as I can. I sit up in bed, rubbing the back of my neck as my head throbs.

“Saxon. You need to get yourself down to my office now. The studio has organized a new PR representative for the band and she’s keen to get started with you guys right away.”

She? Interesting. Apart from my initial contact with the record label management and the recording of our single and video clip, I hadn’t had much to do with the cooperate side of the label. I’d often wondered when they were going to start to market us, considering our debut single is about to be released.

“Okay, give me half an hour,” I yawn. “You’ve contacted the other guys?”

“Yep, they’re all on their way.”

Ending the call, I untangle myself from my bedding and stand up. Swaying on my feet, I feel like shit. What I need is to be able to sleep this hangover off, but I know blowing this off would not be a good look.

After a quick shower I leave via the kitchen, where I grab a juice and a muffin, relieved that nobody is home. I’m about to get into my car when I realize there’s a good chance I’m still over the limit.

“Fuck,” I mutter, thinking fast. I don’t have time to wait for a cab. Getting out my phone, I call Max. “Dude, have you left yet?”