I rolled my eyes at the whispering and muffled laughter I could hear in the background. I bet. ‘Carried away by some hot guy in a suit’ is more like it.

“So, I’m catching a cab home?” I asked, my voice dry.

“I’ll make it up to you,” she promised. “Call me in the morning,” she added before hanging up on me.

I sighed, annoyed. This was so typical of her. She was always ditching me for a guy. I shoved my phone back in my pocket and stalked toward the exit. I was almost there when Sax called out to me.

“You look flustered,” he commented, a drink in hand.

“I am. My friend just left me here without a ride home,” I mumbled.

“Let me take you home. I was just leaving anyway.”

“Really?” I raised my eyebrows at the half full glass still clasped in his hand.

He laughed. “Soda and lime. I don’t drink.” His lips tugged into a smile as he set the glass down on a nearby table. “Come on.”

I sighed and followed him. Outside, the cool breeze hit my bare arms. I rubbed them, wishing I’d brought a jacket.

“Are you cold?” he asked. Before I could reply, he had draped his jacket around my shoulders.

“Thanks,” I replied. His warmth embraced me as the soft, sweet musky smell of his aftershave hit my senses. We walked down the road and turned up an alleyway. “You’re not planning on murdering me, are you?” I joked.

Well, half joked. I felt like I was walking into the plot of a horror movie.

“No. But if I were, you’d enjoy it. Trust me.” I blushed and he laughed. “My car,” he added. He pressed the button on his key and the black Jaguar in front of us roared to life.

Nice. He opened the door for me. I slid inside, noting how the buttery soft leather felt against my skin. He walked around the back of the car and climbed in next to me.

“Where am I heading?” he asked.

“Over near Pike Park,” I said.

My gaze fell to his hands as they eased the gearshift into drive. I coughed and rested my elbow on the edge of the car door. I couldn’t look at him without embarrassingly arousing thoughts crossing my mind. My face went hot as I struggled to control my breathing.

My heart raced as he hummed the tune to one of my favorite songs.

“The Reject Hunters,” I murmured, smiling.

“Yeah, you know of them?” he said, sounding surprised.

I nodded. “One of my favorite bands at the moment.”

“I’m impressed,” he drawled with a smirk. “You know your shit.”

“I waste way too much of my time listening to music,” I laughed.

“No.” He shook his head. “Music is never a waste. “You should feel ashamed even thinking that,” he said. His lips curved into a grin. “So what do you do when you’re not listening to music—or singing?” he asked.

“I work in a diner.” I thought for a moment, realizing how boring my life actually was. “And that’s about it,” I admitted. “It’s the apartment block just up on the left,” I said, pointing to the tall complex.

He pulled over to the curb and smiled at me. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, Micah with an H.”

I opened the door and got out. “Thanks for the lift,” I said, biting my lip.


,” he smirked.