Well, almost nothing.


By the time our set ended, Sax had disappeared. Dee and Stace almost choked me in a hug as I ran backstage. I laughed and struggled free, trying to catch my breath.

“That was insane,” screamed Dee, jumping up and down on the spot. “Oh my God, M, you totally owned it!”

“That was really awesome,” agreed Stace. “But now you have to come with me.”

Huh? She giggled as she led me out the back and down the steps. Dee was still going on about how ‘epic’ and ‘amazing’ our performance had been.

“And God, could Harry be any sexier?” she sighed, a dreamy look on her face.

I gaped at her. Harry?

“What?” she shot back, her face going red. “I’m allowed to look. Anyway, aren’t you concerned about where she is dragging you off to?” she said, pointing at Stace.

Her blatant attempt at diverting the conversation off her worked.

“Where are we going?” I asked Stace suspiciously.

She shook her head. “No questions. Just follow me and shut up.”

I rolled my eyes but let her drag me what felt like halfway around the grounds. I still had no idea where Sax was. We weaved our way through the crowds of people, finally stopping at the edge of stage three.

“What are we doing?” I asked wearily.

“Just trust me, okay?” Stace said, patting my arm. Dee giggled on the other side of me. I shot her a look and she shrugged. So not helpful. I might seriously have to re-evaluate my friend’s loyalty.

I glanced around. It was hard not to get caught up in the atmosphere. Since it was one of the smaller stages, the crowd of people was less intense so we could actually breathe. My body was still buzzing from the high of performing, and I felt like I’d had ten coffees and half a dozen red bulls.

The soft strum of a guitar caugh

t my attention and I looked up on the stage. My eyes widened and I almost lost my balance.


What the hell was he doing?

He smiled at me and began to sing, every last word driving through me like a freight train. He was singing. In public. More than that, he was singing to me.

Watched you run away—

You took my soul that day

I stand in the light

wondering where you are,

how I lost you,

how I could win you back,

But it’s not me, not forgotten,

Couldn’t love you more than I do now.

You took my all, you give me all