“Sax, can we talk—”

“I can’t right now,” he cut in, rubbing his eyes. “I gotta go sort some things out. Let the guys know I’ll be back later, okay?”

He walked out, leaving me standing there, bewildered. He couldn’t even stand being in the same room as me. I walked out the back and down the stairs toward the studio. Broosky pounced around me happily, demanding my attention. I smiled and stopped to pet him. He barked, his tail wagging madly.

“Hey.” I looked up. Harry leaned out of the studio door, a crooked smile on his face. “I wondered what he was barking at. Where’s Sax?”

“He had some things to do. He said he’ll be back later,” I mumbled, not meeting his eyes.

“Okay,” he shrugged. “We’re just working on a couple of new songs.”

I brushed past him and went inside. The other guys were crowded around Kam as he sat on the drums, each with their own instrument, working on the music. I sank down in one of the armchairs and sighed. I should’ve said I was sick. My head wasn’t able to concentrate on anything right now.

“Are you okay? You sick or something?” Harry asked, handing me a bottle of water.

I took it and cradled it in my hands. “I’m fine. Just having a bad day.”

“You and Sax. He’s been a fucking pain in my ass all day,” he grumbled. “Seriously, the dude needs to chill.”

I bit my lip. I didn’t need to hear about how pissed off Sax was. What I needed was something to take my mind off him. “So, what’s this song?” I asked.

“Just a number I wrote,” he shrugged. “It’s a little more angsty than my usual style. I figured we could use some new material for our gig at the festival.”

“Makes sense,” I mumbled, not really listening.

He laughed. “I can tell you find this thrilling,” he said dryly.

“Sorry,” I blushed. “I’ve got some things on my mind that I wish I could forget about for a few hours.”

“We were going for a drink at Bar Nine after rehearsal. You should come.”

“Uh, thanks, but I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I said. I could just imagine Sax’s reaction if he found out I went out drinking with guys.

“Come on. Let your hair down for once. Have some fun,” he urged. “Guys? Let’s call it a day. M is going to come out with us.”

“No,” I groaned.

“Yes, you are. What else are you going to do? Sit at home worrying about whatever it is that has you in this shitty mood?” He stood up and threw his keys at Liam. “Your turn to drive, man.”

Liam muttered under his breath. I stood up and followed them. Harry was right—it was either go with them or sit at home thinking about Sax. Pulling out my phone, I texted Dee.

Are you free for a catch up tonight?

She responded right away.

Always. Tell me when and where xx

I texted the address and shoved it back in my pocket.

“I invited my friend, Dee,” I said to Harry as we climbed in his car, realizing I probably should have told him before I asked her.

“Dee, huh? Is she cute?”

I laughed. I hadn’t thought about it before, but those two would probably hit it off.

“You’ll like her,” I assured him.

By the time we arrived at the bar, I was already feeling better. My heart raced as the doorman checked my ID and nodded, but as soon as we stepped inside, my anxiety dissipated. Maybe getting out was just what I’d needed.