I laughed. “Yeah, yeah. You coming to the show tonight? Who did you come with?”

“Lily. And yes, we’ll be there for sure. How have they gone? How’s the girl fitting in?”

“Good and good. She fits in well,” I said with a smirk.

Stace narrowed her eyes and studied me, her mouth twitching to the side. “What’s with you? You’re acting all weird. More so than usual,” she added, sticking out her tongue.

“Nothing. No idea what you’re talking about.”

“Yes you do. You’re all smiley and happy.” She said it like it was a dirty word. “I haven’t seen you like this…well, ever.”

“Maybe being away and on tour has helped me realize a few things,” I shrugged. “Maybe it’s being out in the fresh air, who knows?”

“Uh-huh. You’ve been away for two weeks. With Harry. You don’t have to tell me, but I know something is going on. I’m your sister.”

“There’s nothing going on,” I laughed. “Geez, Stace, you need a new hobby or something.”

She waved her hand and shook her head. “Whatever. Fine. I’ve got more important things to think about anyway.”

“Oh yeah? I thought your biggest issue was deciding what color shoes to wear,” I smirked.

She shot me a dirty look. “You know how Mom and Dad are kind of, uh, focused on me going to U Penn to study business?” she asked.

I leaned forward. This was going to be good, I could feel it. “Sure. They’ve only been planning it since you were born.” Part of their plan was for me to go there too, like Dad had, and like my grandfather had. Instead, I’d joined a band and wrecked my life. According to my father, anyway.

“I kind of applied for a scholarship at Northwestern University for a journalism degree. And, well, I kind of got accepted.”

“Shit, that’s great news,” I said. I stood up and hugged her. Writing was her passion. It always had been.

“Yeah, great news until I tell Dad,” she muttered. “I don’t know, maybe it would just be easier to suck it up and go to U Penn.”

“So you can spend the next fifty years doing something you’re not passionate about? Fuck him, Stace. If he won’t support you and what you want to do, then what kind of father is he?” I said, my voice dark.

She raised her eyebrows. Yes, my own issues with Dad were seeping out into this conversation.

“Just think about what you want,” I said, my voice softer.

“I will. I am. I just hate conflict. You know that.”

I shrugged. “Sometimes you have to brave the weather.” I stood up and threw a few bills down on the table. “Anyway, I’d better get back. I’ll see you at the show. Can you be there about six? I really want you to meet Micah.”

“Yeah, sure,” Stace agreed. She looked surprised. “Uh, why?” she added curiously. “I mean, I know she’s part of the band now, but…” Her eyes lit up and I flushed, knowing what was coming.

“Oh my God. You like her, don’t you?” she accused.

I winced as her voice echoed through the room, causing several people to turn and stare.

“Fuck, Stace, shut up,” I hissed.

“Admit it. You have a thing for this rocker chick.” She folded her arms across her chest and grinned at me.

I sighed, knowing if there was one person I couldn’t hide this shit from, it was her. “Fine,” I said through gritted teeth. “I like her. Happy?”

“Yes,” she giggled. “I feel like a proud parent. You’ve never bought a girl home before!” She laughed as I groaned, dropping my face to my hands. “Calm down, Sax, I’m just teasing you. It’s great. Seriously. I can’t wait to meet her.”

“Yeah, maybe that’s not such a good idea anymore,” I muttered. If she was like this with just me around, what was she going to be like in front of Micah?

She reached over and slapped my arm. “Oh, shut up. I won’t embarrass you.”