Sax rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to me. “You were pretty worked up during that set,” he commented.

“Was I?” I shrugged, pretending I hadn’t noticed. Just like I hadn’t noticed those three girls, particularly Hayley, fawning over him while we were singing.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I’m fine,” I said, forcing a smile. What the fuck was wrong with me? I didn’t get like this. Of course, I’d never had a reason to before. I’d never let a guy get close enough for me to care. “Just tired. Thanks for the drink.”

“Anytime,” he said. He reached for the cup, taking it from my hand, his finger stroking mine. “I so badly want to kiss you right now,” he mumbled, his blue

eyes locked on mine.

A shiver raced through me and I had to stop myself from pressing my lips against his. I thought about earlier, in the motel room…God, how much longer was this gig?

I walked back on stage for the second and final set. For an alcohol free party, most of the kids there seemed pretty drunk. I scanned the room for Sax and found him leaning casually against the wall, with Hayley, Caryn and Beth hanging off his every word. My stomach tightened as Hayley leaned closer to him, laughing at something he’d said. What the hell did she want? And why was he encouraging them?

Settle down, they’re only talking. He is allowed to speak to other girls. Besides, you have no claim on him. For all you know, this thing with you is a casual fling for him.

I tore my eyes away and focused on the mic I was holding in my hand. It was true, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to storm over there and rip her face off. The intensity of my jealousy shocked me. I’d never felt anything like it before.

“You okay?” Harry muttered in my ear.

I turned around, shocked, and forced a smile. “Sure, I’m great,” I said brightly.

He looked over at Sax and Hayley and laughed. “Do you think he’s hitting on her? I don’t think it would take much for her to fall into bed with him. Look at the expression on her face,” he laughed.

I narrowed my eyes, my anger seething. “Let’s just get on with this, okay?” I muttered.

His eyebrows shot up and then a grin slowly spread across his face. “Sure. Keen to get out of here, are we?” he smirked, glancing back at Sax.

I shot him a death stare and then stalked out onto the center of the deck. After my little performance there, Harry had to know something was up, but that was the last thing on my mind right now. I closed my eyes and forced myself to focus on the music.


We arrived back at the motel after midnight. Sax pulled into the parking lot, parking directly outside my room. Unbuckling my belt, I began to get out and he just sat there, fiddling with his phone.

“You coming?” I asked him. He shot me a look and then nudged his head toward the guys in the back. Oh. Right. I rolled my eyes and walked away, not quite understanding the point of hiding the fact that he was sleeping in my room. It didn’t mean anything was happening.

Five minutes later there was a knock on the door. I walked over and opened it a crack.

“Oh, so now you want to come in,” I teased with a smirk.

“You really don’t understand how guys work,” he chuckled softly.

He pushed the door and eased himself though the gap, wrapping his arm around my waist. Just like that, all my anger and frustration had melted away. He hadn’t done anything wrong. I just wasn’t used to being in a relationship. That side of me was still so inexperienced.

“They wouldn’t give a shit if nothing was going on between us. All the more reason to poke fun.”

“And if they did find out about this?” I asked, raising my eyebrows. I wasn’t sure what this was, but I didn’t like the idea of being his dirty little secret either.

“Then no doubt Harry would tell my father and he’d disown me.”

I let out a laugh. After tonight, I was almost positive Harry knew something was up. Maybe he just thinks I have a little crush. God, I hope he thinks that.

“That’s a little dramatic isn’t it?”

“You don’t know my family,” he drawled. “Speaking of which, my sister will be in Vegas tomorrow. I’d love for her to meet you. She’s probably the only person I’d actually want to tell about us. That is, if there was anything to tell,” he added after a second.

“Is there anything to tell?” I asked coyly.