If there was one thing I was learning from Sax and being in this band, it was how little I actually knew about music. That kind of scared me, because music had always been the one thing I thought I knew inside and out. Knowing how much I still had to learn was daunting.

But the thought of Him teaching me made it a little less scary.

Chapter Fifteen



“Yes, Sax? It’s Ben here, from the bar. Look, I’m not going to be able to get this place open until next week, it looks like. How do you feel about playing at a private party tonight? It’s my niece’s birthday and she’s a fan.”

“Yeah, no worries, just text me the address, and what time you want us there,” I said. I glanced around. I was sitting out the front of my room. Micah had gone for a walk, and God knows where the guys were.

“Great, thanks for being so understanding. I know this probably throws your whole week out.”

“It’s fine,” I assured him. Ben was just one of those guys you couldn’t help but like. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t be angry with him. Hanging up the phone, I punched in the numbers of all the guys, and Micah.

Private party tonight, make sure you’re here by seven.

Just as I hit send, Micah rounded the corner, her phone in her hand. My heart pounded as she walked toward me. We had both been ignoring last night, but it was far from forgotten—for me anyway. Every time I saw her, the thought of her touching herself and the image of her naked body floated through my head. And fuck, was that arousing.

The thing was, nothing had changed in my mind. I still wanted her. And I was used to getting what I wanted.

“Hey,” I said.

She looked fucking hot as usual, in her skinny jeans and a gray, low-cut sweater, over which she wore a black leather jacket.

“You got my message?”

She nodded. “I did. Good that we’ve got something tonight at least.” She sat down next to me. Her eyes met mine and she smiled. “What are you doing out here?”

I shrugged. “Just taking in the wonderful scenery that is Pinson Creek.”

She laughed. The motel faced the main road, and beyond that was dry, flat land for miles. The place couldn’t be less inspiring if it tried. I smiled, cocking my head. I so badly wanted to kiss her. I needed to taste those lips.

Fuck it.

Swiveling around, I moved my hand up to her face. My fingers roamed through her long, thick hair as I brought my mouth to hers. She kissed me back, her arms moving around my waist.

She laughed as I lifted her onto my lap, my hands pushing up under her sweater. I kissed her again, sucking on her lip, the smell of her shampoo clouding my senses. She was intoxicating.

“Come inside,” I said. Moving her off me, I stood up, taking her hand in mine.

Her eyes widened. “What if the others come back?”

“I don’t give a fuck. All I care

about right now is you,” I growled. I pulled her up against me and lifted her onto my hips. I began to kiss along her neck, my tongue gently massaging her soft skin.

She whimpered, wrapping her arms around my neck as I fumbled with the door. Fucking key. Finally, the door burst open. Once inside, I slammed it shut with my foot as she slipped off her jacket and removed her sweater, letting both fall to the floor.

“You’re fucking beautiful,” I muttered, pressing my lips against hers. “I can’t think when I’m around you. Last night? I’d had one fucking drink. That wasn’t the alcohol talking, I can promise you that.”

This was killing me. She was so fucking perfect. My lips pressed against hers as my fingers unbuttoned her jeans. My heart pounded. I hadn’t been this nervous around a girl in so fucking long. Tugging her jeans down over her ass, I eased her back on the bed until she lay flat.

She giggled as I struggled to yank the jeans off her legs. What the fuck? Who the hell wears this shit?

“Pull the end over my ankles and then tug,” she said, biting her lip. I followed her directions and they slipped off easily.