He nodded and slapped my hand into a shake. “Deal. You might as well go out and enjoy our little town.”

I nodded. “You have my number. Keep me updated?”

“Sure. Thanks for being so understanding, Saxon.”

“No problem,” I said.

I walked toward the exit, wondering what the fuck I was going to tell the guys. Pushing my way outside, I saw they had all the equipment unpacked already. “Pack it back up. Place has been closed by health and safety.”

“What the fuck, Sax?” Harry cried, jumping in my face. “You booked us two shows here, dude. That’s the whole weekend gone.”

“Yeah, because it’s my fault the place got closed? Settle the fuck down. Our accommodation’s are covered, and he’s trying to get the place back open for tomorrow night.”

“And what do we do in the meantime?” he grumbled, kicking at the gravel with his shoe.

I let out a laugh. He was like a fucking five-year-old sometimes. “Do whatever you want. Enjoy all the wonders of Pinson Creek. It’s Friday night. Live it up.”

“I think I saw a strip club just down the road,” piped up Kam. “Who’s in?” He clapped his hands together, a smile spreading across his face.

I scowled at him. Did he have no clue?

“What?” he said, a confused expression crossing his face.

I nudged my head toward Micah.

“Oh…” his voice trailed off.

Enter awkward silence.

“Hey, if you guys want to leer over naked women, don’t let me stop you,” Micah said with a shrug. “I could use a drink. Where is this place?”

“Yeah!” Kam said, nodding with enthusiasm as he high-fived her. “I knew you were a cool chick.”

What the fuck? There was no way she was going to a strip club—or any of us, for that matter.

“Let’s just go back to the motel and chill,” I suggested, my voice weary.

“What’s the matter, Sax? You’d never have passed up the chance to have naked women rubbing all over you in the past,” Harry challenged.

Micah raised her eyebrows, shifting her body so she didn’t have to look at me.

Fuck you, Harry.

My past was just that: the past. Yes, the old Sax would’ve been down at that club faster than you could ask. Hell, he would’ve had one of the strippers bent over his car out back—never mind the no touching policy.

But things were different now. I was different. I’d learned the hard way that your life can fuck up pretty damn quickly. And nobody knew that better than Harry.

“Fine,” I muttered. I didn’t care anymore. I had no interest in going, but I’d be fucked if I was leaving Micah alone—in a strip club—with these guys.

Chapter Fourteen


I’d never been to a strip club before.

Walking inside, my heart pounded as the security guy checked my ID. He nodded, and gave me a wink. What the hell was I doing? All this just to prove some kind of stupid point to Sax?

I got the feeling class wasn’t high on the list at this establishment. Don’t get me wrong— it was clean and all that, but I felt like I’d just walked onto a seventies porn set.