“How far are we from Little Creek?” I asked, sliding my butt down a little further so my head could rest on the top of the seat. I knew of the town we were headed to, but I’d never actually been there.

“About another two hours.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his iPod. “Put on some music if you like.”

I took it, letting my fingers glide over his. His eyes darted toward me briefly and my heart jumped. I quickly looked down, busying myself with his music collection. I ran through artists until I came across Severed. Smiling, I clicked play.

“You have your own music in here,” I said with a giggle.

He shrugged. “If I don’t appreciate it, then why should I expect anyone else to?”

“I guess. I just think it’s cute. Like an actor going to see themselves at the movies.”

“You don’t think Nick Cage or Brad Pitt go to the movies?” he asked in mock horror.

“I don’t know. I met Brad Pitt once in Starbucks.”

He chuckled. “I can just imagine how that went down.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, narrowing my eyes.

“Well, you were kind of freaked out when you realized who I was. Meeting someone actually famous? You’d lose the plot,” he laughed.

“Well, in my defense, I didn’t have posters of Brad Pitt all over my walls—” I shut my mouth, but it was too late. No, no, no…

“You had posters of me on your walls?” he repeated, amused. “Micah, that is fucking adorable.”

“Shut up,” I mumbled, covering my face with my hands.

He chuckled loudly next to me, clearly not ready to let it go.

“No! No laughing. Just shut up and drive.”

“What’s with you two?” Harry yelled from the back.

“Nothing. Mind your own business,” Sax shot back.

Harry muttered something under his breath and I hid a smile. They were usually so weird and awkward around each other, but every now and then you could see a glimpse of similarity in them. Did they even realize how alike they were?


We arrived in town just before six. I must’ve fallen asleep because the last sign I remembered seeing said Little Creek was sixty miles away.

Sax glanced over at me and smiled. “And she’s awake. You know, the point of the front passenger is to keep the driver alert.”

“Sorry, I guess I was tired.”

“Uh-huh,” he nodded. “Late night?” he asked.

“Not really. I just didn’t sleep well.”

“Boyfriend keep you up?” he asked casually.

I narrowed my eyes at him. Was he really interested whether or not I had a boyfriend? My heart raced as I shook my head.

“Is that really any of your business?” I teased.

“I’m asking strictly as your manager,” he assured me. “I mean, am I going to be fending off questions from a psycho jealous boyfriend? These are things I deserve to know ahead of time,” he replied earnestly.

I giggled, loving his sense of humor. “Nope. The only person you need to worry about is my roomie, Nelson.”