If I knew how to make that happen, it was so the kind of thing I would do to her, especially after ditching me after my first public performance.

I laughed as she reached across the table and grabbed my hand. If her eyes get any wider they’ll pop out of her head.

“Oh my God, Micah. Saxon Waite? Holy crap! What did you say to him? How did he look? Is he still sexy as hell? I can’t believe this,” she muttered, shaking her head.

My phone beeped. I reached into my pocket and glanced at it. I bit my lip and smiled.

“What?” she demanded, leaning forward anxiously in her chair. I held up my phone to her and showed her the message from Sax.

Hey Micah. If you’re free, could you come over today? You know where I live.

“No!” she gasped.

I burst into laughter, nodding in amusement. Her reaction was pure gold. I couldn’t have scripted it better.

“I’m so fucking jealous. You’ve been to his house?”

“We rehearse there,” I giggled.

“You’ll be there all the time then,” she said with a dreamy sigh. “God, I’m so freaking jealous. I wish it was me.”

I laughed again. “I’ve heard you sing. You sound like a dying cat.”

“Gee, thanks,” she grumbled, throwing a dirty look at me.

“So tell me about this guy you went home with,” I said, raising my eyebrows. “Will you be seeing him again?”

“No,” snorted Dee, reaching for a miniature chocolate cupcake. “Let’s just say his performance was less than adequate.” I giggled and she shrugged. “Life’s too short for bad sex. Am I right? Speaking of sex, can you imagine what Saxon Waite would be like under the covers?” She sighed dreamily.

“Stop!” I ordered her, covering my ears. “I cannot think about him like that. Music first. Music always comes first. Besides, he’s so much older than me and not interested in the slightest.”

“Then why did he drive you home?” she argued.

“Because my stupid friend left me stranded?” I shot back.

“No, he could’ve thrown you into a cab or something. Guys don’t go that far out of your way unless they’re interested. Why are you still sitting here, anyway? Aren’t you dying to know why he asked you over to his house? I’m dying to know.”

“It’s weighing on my mind a little bit,” I admitted. “But we just got here.”

Dee waved her arm. “We can catch up anytime. Go. Then call me,” she added with a grin.

I didn’t need to be told twice. Standing up, I gathered my things together and blew her a kiss before I walked out of the hotel.

Pulling up outside his house, I could feel my heart fluttering in my chest again. Just the thought of seeing him again had me in a mess. How long is this little infatuation thing going to last, because I could really use a break. It was so hard to concentrate on what I was supposed to be doing when all I could think about was what I wanted to do to him.

“Hey,” Saxon said as he swung open the door.

Oh God, he looked good. The faded jeans and an old Rolling Stones tee shirt he wore suited him. I tore my eyes away from his muscular, tattooed biceps and smiled at him.

“Come on in. Can I get you a drink?” he asked.

“Sure, thanks. A soda would be nice.”

I followed him into the kitchen, sliding onto one of the two barstools at the counter. My heart pounded as I took in the silence of the house. He’d made needing to see me sound pretty urgent, and I couldn’t help but stress over what he wanted to talk to me about. He couldn’t know…could he?

“So, you asked to see me,” I reminded him.

“Yes. Hold on, I know it’s here somewhere…” He scratched the back of his neck and glanced around him. “What the fuck did I do with it? Wait, I think I left it in my office. Hold on for a sec.”