The studio was amazing, equipped with all the latest sound gear and even a soundproof recording booth. This was more like what I was expecting. I wandered around the room, checking out the framed photos of Sax from his days with Savaged. There were awards and records—hell, there was even a Grammy sitting behind a glassed-in display shelf. I shook my head, knowing I could only dream of half this shit happening to me.

“The guys will be here any minute.”

I turned around and saw Sax holding two cans of soda.

“Cola or lemonade? The last two cans in the fridge,” he said, embarrassed.

“Lemonade would be good.”

He threw me the can, popping the top on his own.

“Your setup here is amazing.”

“Thanks.” He sat down on the arm of an oversized black sofa in the middle of the room. Two matching armchairs sat on either side.

I walked over and sat down in the one furthest from him.

“Even when I gave up the band, music was still such a big part of my life. You can’t switch off that kind of obsession.”

I laughed. Didn’t I know it?

The studio door opened and the rest of the guys bounded in, collapsing onto the remaining seats, deep in conversation—or rather, in the middle of an argument.

“Dude, no fucking way. I don’t care what you say. Fucking your clone is masturbation. It’s basically fucking yourself,” Harry said.

I giggled. That sounded like something Dee would say. Speaking of which, I hadn’t heard from her since last night. I made a mental note to call her after practice.

“I’m sorry, but if there is another penis involved, it’s gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.” He shrugged. “But it is what it is.” Liam shrugged.

Harry turned to me. “Will you please settle this for us?”

I paused, as if I was deep in thought. “I agree with Harry: that it is a form of masturbation.”

“See?” Harry exclaimed triumphantly. “Now can we get on with this damn rehearsal? I have something going on later,” he winked at Sax, “with that blonde from last night.”

“You fucking idiot,” Sax growled. “Don’t come crying to me when her boyfriend punches your face in.”

Harry rolled his eyes. “Seriously dude, you need to chill. Maybe you need to get laid. When was the last time you were with someone, anyway?”


“No, I’m sick of it. Keep out of my business, okay? You fucked up your own life, so why should I listen to anything you tell me? The only reason you’re even here is my fucking father got you this gig.” He grabbed his jacket and shook his head. “Fuck this. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Harry, stop being a dick,” Liam yelled, but he had already stormed out of the studio.

I sat there awkwardly, playing with my hands. This is going well.

“Fuck,” Sax growled. He kicked a wooden chair, sending it flying across the room.

I winced.

“You guys might as well go too. I’ll go through everything with Micah myself.”

A tingle shot down my spine. Just Sax and me?

“Sure Sax, you get her up to speed,” Liam laughed, slapping him on the back. Their laughter continued until they were out the door.

“Sorry about that. Harry and I…we have some issues,” he finished, arms rai