“What was that for?” he asked, rubbing the spot where my fist had connected with his skull.

“You’re a fucking idiot. He was going to kill you.”

“How was I supposed to know she had a boyfriend, or that he was built like a fucking bulldozer?” he protested. “Besides,” he wiggled his eyebrows at me, “I got her number.”

I gaped at him. “Are you serious? She was sitting on his lap, practically giving him a lap dance before she walked up to the bar. If you didn’t see that then you’re blind as well as stupid,” I grumbled. He was always doing stupid shit, and I was always bailing him out. It pissed me off that sometimes he just didn’t think.

“Just shut your mouth, Sax. If it weren’t for me, you’d be still sitting on your ass going nowhere. You owe me, dude.”

I laughed. Here we go again.

“If I owe anyone anything, it’s your father—my uncle. I’m not stupid, Harry. I wouldn’t be here if your dad hadn’t forced you to give me this job.”

“Then why are you here?” he asked. “Why the fuck would you say yes to this? In fact, do us all a favor and just fuck off.” He shook his head and sighed.

I reached for my jacket and shrugged it on. I’d had enough of this shit. “Just make sure you’re on time for rehearsals,” I muttered, storming off.


Slamming the front door shut, all my frustration melted away as my dog Broosky bounded up to me. I knelt down and let him jump up on me as I roughly rubbed his back. His tail wagged madly as he panted, happily lapping up the attention.

“Hey boy,” I said. He jumped down and ran toward the kitchen, turning around to check that I was following. Laughing, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed his kibble from the cupboard, pouring some into his bowl.

It didn’t take much to satisfy him.

I grabbed a soda from the fridge, and popped the cap open with a sigh as I threw my keys onto the counter and headed toward the living room. I slumped down into my sofa, and threw my legs over the armrest. Fuck, it had been a long day.

Fucking Harry. Every time he got a few drinks in him jealously or whatever the fuck his problem was with me always came out. In normal, everyday circumstances we were fine. Whatever resentment he harbored toward me, he usually kept it pretty tightly under wraps, at least enough for us to be civil toward each other. I had no idea what his deal was, but I saw the direction he was headed and

it scared me.

What worried me the most was how much of me I saw in him.

He’d just turned twenty-two—around the same age I’d been when I cracked big time under the pressure of being in the spotlight. I wanted to help him, I wanted him to learn from my mistakes, but how could I do that when he wouldn’t listen to me?

This tour was going to be a test. The longest span of time we’d spent together since we were kids was over a weekend. Three weeks cooped up together in the same van? That was asking for trouble.

Broosky came running in. He leapt up onto the sofa, his tail wagging furiously. I laughed and tickled behind his ear. He had been with me since I’d found him, starving and hanging around the back of a bar I was working at. I’d snuck him food scraps every night until we eventually built up enough trust for me to take him home. I had no idea how old he was, but four months later he was happy, healthy, and my best friend. That was the thing about dogs: they loved you unconditionally and they never judged you.

Flipping on the TV, I ran through the channels, stopping on MTV. The Verse was playing a live set from a club in New York. My mind wandered back to Micah.

She was a sexy little thing. She’d done something not many people managed to do: she’d surprised me. She had sung the hell out of that song, and watching her on that stage…I don’t know. There was something about her. Something that commanded your attention. Her voice gave me goose bumps. I didn’t doubt for a second that she was going to make it big one day—with or without Resurrection.

I chuckled as I remembered her reaction when she realized who I was. I got recognized less and less these days—which was how I liked it. I had no interest in getting back in the spotlight. But having a sexy little piece nearly fall over herself because she was meeting me? Even I couldn’t deny the satisfaction I’d felt from that.

Yawning, I turned off the TV and staggered down to my bedroom, Broosky at my heels. Tomorrow was going to be a big day. As good as she was, it was going to take a whole lot of effort and time to get Micah up to speed.

She was only twenty-one, but my first impression was that she was mature. She had a good head on her shoulders, which made getting her performance ready a hell of a lot easier.

I fell into my bed, the dog curling up next to me. He certainly wasn’t shy when it came to making himself comfortable. He especially liked to lie right in the middle of the damn bed, and being the weak shit I was, I let him.

Rolling over, I yanked the blankets, earning myself a scowl from Broosky.

“What? You’ve got most of the bed. Give me something, dude.”

Sighing, I pushed my pillow under my neck and closed my eyes, “Still Surrender” playing over and over in my mind.

Why couldn’t I get that damn song out of my head?