the end was always in its place,

your lies were like a poisoned potion,

slowly stole the only dream I had,

little by little the fire died,

and I can’t see the good for all the bad,

but every night that sleep escapes me,

everyday happiness evades me,

another layer fades away,

another step away from yesterday…”

As the words floated from my mouth, I opened my eyes and focused on Saxon, almost afraid I’d lose my shit if I looked away. Did he look impressed? Was that admiration I could see in his eyes? Fuck, he was sexy—

Focus, M. Geez.

The crowd erupted into applause and cheers. I stood

there smiling like an idiot. This was so fucking surreal. I scanned the room, looking for Saxon, but I couldn’t see him anywhere.

“Great job, Micah,” Harry said, slamming me on the back. The other guys also congratulated me. Liam even managed a smile.

“Thanks,” I grinned. My body was still buzzing from what had just happened. That was by far the biggest crowd I’d ever sung in front of. And with the band backing me up, it had been fucking amazing.

I exited the stage to the left in a hurry as the guys moved into their next song. Standing behind the back curtain, I grinned as they rocked out “Obsession,” one of their biggest hits, as the crowd began to cheer.

“You did pretty well out there.”

I whirled around, my eyes wide as I found myself facing Saxon again. My heart began to pound. He’d sought me out? My singing had affected him that much that he came looking for me?

“Thanks. Your little trick about focusing on you helped.” I smiled, curling the ends of my hair around my fingers. I wasn’t a natural at flirting, and I was positive my inexperience was glowing above me like a giant beacon.

“Good. I’m glad,” he said with a smirk, “but I think I was focusing on you pretty heavily too. You have this way of demanding attention.”

I laughed. Was I really hearing this? Was Saxon Waite hitting on me? Holy shit!

“So, what do you think?” he asked. His lips curved into a smile, revealing an irresistible dimple in his left cheek. “About the band, that is,” he added.

“I think they’re fantastic. I hope they give me this chance because I want it so badly. This is my dream. It’s all I’ve ever wanted, and being out there…” I shivered. I couldn’t even put what I was feeling into words.

“I love that you’re so passionate about music,” he murmured. “And I wouldn’t worry too much. I’m pretty sure you’re in.”

“Yeah?” I said, narrowing my eyes. “I wish I had your confidence.” Before he could reply, the guys wrapped up their last song and came running off the stage.

“You’ve met Micah, I see. What did I tell you, Sax? Perfect, huh?” Harry threw an arm around my shoulder.

“Yeah,” Saxon agreed, his eyes not leaving me. “Perfect.”

My face warmed as my brain began to process what was happening here. Sax…was the ‘manager’ I was yet to meet. He had to be. Who else would have known who the hell I was? I couldn’t believe I’d been stupid enough not to realize it earlier.

Fuck. I’d been flirting—and poorly at that— with the manager of what was potentially my new band. Please, please, please let me be wrong about this.

Harry turned his attention to me. “You were awesome out there,” he said, and then took off after the other guys, leaving Sax and me alone again.