I wandered around the front of the stage and found Micah.

“What’s wrong?” she asked immediately, her face dropping.

“Nothing,” I assured her, taking her hand. “That guy was a producer for Amtrax Records. They want to represent me as a solo artist.”

“What?” squealed Stace, throwing her arms around me. “That’s amazing! That’s huge!”

I laughed and shrugged her off, turning to Micah.

“How do you feel about it?” Micah said. She studied my face.

I shrugged. “I have no idea. I’m shocked, to be honest. I don’t know if I can put myself through all that again,” I admitted.

She smiled, curling her arms around my waist. “How did you feel up there, singing?” she asked.

“Amazing. But that’s because I was singing for you,” I said with a grin.

She laughed, her eyes sparkling. “You’re so smooth. But if singing is what makes you feel alive, then I say do it. Are you the same person you were back then?”


I was older. I had more maturity, more life experience under my belt. I also knew what I wanted. I knew the things that made me happy. One of those things was standing in front of me. The other was music.

She shrugged. “So, this time make it different. Learn from your mistakes and do it right. Sing because you love what your music does to people. Do this because you can’t imagine doing anything else. Do it because you know you can.”

I narrowed my eyes and smiled at her. “Are you sure you’re only seventeen?” I whispered in her ear. I took her hand. “Come with me.”

“Where are we going?” She laughed as I led her away.

“I want to show you something.”

We walked around the outside of the grounds. The park was huge—much bigger than I had realized. She glanced at me, as if trying to figure out where I was taking her, but I wasn’t giving anything away.

“Just up here,” I murmured as we walked down a small path that opened out into a clearing. “Over there.”

She looked to where I was pointing, her expression confused as she stared at the series of rocks that overlooked what used to be a pond.

“That spot right there was where I was first discovered. I was sitting there playing my music, and a few people were standing around, listening. One of them was an agent who was looking for a front man for a new band.”

“Severed,” she murmured.

“Yep. That means twice in this park I’ve been offered a potentially life-changing opportunity.” My hands curved around her back as I pulled her against me. “The difference is, last time something was missing.”

“Your maturity?” she teased, cocking her head.

I laughed. “Okay, so a few things are different this time around. I really feel like I can make something of myself, M. A big part of that is having you by my side.”

“I know you can do it. I’ve always believed that,” she said sincerely.

I leaned in and kissed her, my fingers stroking her cheek as her lips touched mine. I couldn’t imagine things getting any better. I had the girl and I had a second chance to do what I was born to do. Sing.

How many people get one chance to do what they love, let alone two? I wasn’t going to mess it up this time. Because with everything single thing I did, I knew she’d be right there with me, just as I’d be there for her.

Together, we could accomplish anything.


“Saxon, thanks for meeting with me. I must say, I was surprised when I received your call.” James sat down opposite me and pressed the intercom on his phone. “Sally, can you get me a coffee. Would you like anything?” he asked me.