“How does this relate to us?” I asked quietly.

He pulled me close, his fingers dipping under my shirt and running along my bare skin. His mouth found mine, and I sighed as he kissed me, my lips tingling at the feel of his on mine.

“I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life. Things I’d do anything to be able to change. I’ve refused to forgive myself because I’d hurt so many people. I’m the last person who should be judging you, Micah. I was angry because you lied to me, but I do understand.”

“So, what you’re saying is…?” My heart thudded in my chest as he smiled at me. I knew I was being silly, but I needed to hear him actually say it. I couldn’t let myself believe it until I heard it from him.

“I’m done with depriving myself of living. It’s not what Kara wants, and it’s not what I want.” He smiled as his fingers curved around the back of my neck. “Now, the question is, are you willing to give this old idiot a second chance?”

I giggled and kissed him, not bothering to hide my glee. “What do you think?”

Chapter Thirty-One


“Are you ready?” Harry muttered, peeking out and into the crowd from where we stood on the edge of the stage.

“Are you?” I retorted.

“Fuck, yeah. I don’t get stage fright,” he boasted. “This?” he said, waving his arm. “Bring it on. I live for this shit.”

I shook my head and laughed. “You’re an idiot,” I giggled. “And I think you’re doing something wrong if a small part of you isn’t terrified right now. We are about to open for Mission Statement.”

Harry snorted. “They’re good and all that, but come on. Are they really any better than us, or have they just had a hell of a lot of good luck?”

I sniggered as the lead singer for Mission Statement clapped his hand on Harry’s shoulder. “Tell us what you really think, dude. I mean, don’t hold back.”

Harry’s face went white, then a deep shade of red. “I didn’t mean—”

“Sure you did,” he cut in. “And it’s cool. Just don’t fuck up out there, yeah? Don’t want to make us look bad.” He winked and wandered off, leaving poor Harry looking like he was going to pass out.

“You could’ve told me he was behind me,” he groaned, running a hand through his thick hair.

“And let you miss out on looking like the world’s biggest douche?” I giggled. “Consider that payback for telling Sax we had a hot date.”

“He told you about that?” Harry winced.

“Of course he did. He was livid.”

“Yeah. Sorry about that.”

“It’s all good,” I said with a grin.

“So, you and Sax worked your shit out?” he asked.

“Yeah. Have you?” I shot back.

“It’s possible I have some of my own issues I need to work out,” he said. “Sax might have had a point. Maybe I am jealous of his success. I’m not saying things between us will be all rosy and shit, but I’m willing to try and figure out my problems.”

“Good for you,” I said, genuinely happy to hear that. Just then, we were introduced to the crowd.

Harry flashed me a smile. “Let’s smash this.”

Here we go.

I ran out onto the stage, soaking up the huge cheer that had erupted from the crowd. I closed my eyes as the guys lead into our first number, the beat of the music pulsating through my veins.

Nothing could match this feeling. I started sing just as my eyes fell on Sax near the front corner of the stage, and I smiled.