“Come on, M, we have to do something,” she begged. Tears welled in her eyes. “I think they’re going to kill him.”

“Okay, let me think,” I mumbled. I pulled my phone out of my purse and called the only person I could think that could help.

Only he wouldn’t answer. Fuck! My hands shaking, I tapped out a message and pressed send.

Dee grabbed my arm and dragged me toward the exit. As we walked outside, my heart jumped.

I could see Harry on the ground, groaning as three rough-looking men kicked the shit out of him. A blonde stood behind them crying, her arms clutched around her waist.

“What the hell happened?” I said to Dee. I had to do something. Whatever Harry had done to piss these guys off, they were out for some serious revenge.

“We were just talking, and the guy with the shaved head came out of nowhere and dragged him off. He was shouting something about his girlfriend. I think he hit on the blonde? I don’t know. We have to do something,” she begged.

“Go inside and get them to call the cops,” I ordered her. “Now.”

She nodded and disappeared inside. Where the fuck was the security dude that was supposed to be manning the door?

“Hey,” I shouted at the thugs. “Get away from him. The cops will be here any minute.” I flicked my phone over to video and pressed record, making sure I had clear images of the guys.

“Not your business, sweetie. Walk away,” the shaved-headed guy yelled as he laid another kick into Harry’s stomach. I winced, almost feeling his pain.

Fuck. They’re going to kill him.

Taking a deep breath, I reached into my purse and pulled out the small can of pepper spray I carried with me. Three years in LA and I’d never had to use it until now. I charged at them, my finger poised on the nozzle and let them have it.

“What the fuck,” the big dude yelled as he clutched his eyes. The other two backed off. “You fucking bitch,” he snarled. He ran toward me, swinging his arms wildly, but his eyes were already so clouded with tears that it slowed his progress in his attempt to get at me.

I cried out as his fist connected with my chin. Pain shot through me and I felt myself fall backwards, the harshness of the gravel on the ground scraping at the delicate skin on my knees.

“Get away from her, you motherfucker.”

My heart stopped as Sax appeared out of nowhere. He swung at the thug, knocking him to the ground.

I scrambled over to Harry, who was conscious, but not doing well at all. “Can you stand up?” I whispered. I helped him to his feet.

“Get him in the car,” ordered Sax.

I nodded as Dee appeared on his other side. Together, we led him over to the car and bundled him in.

“Get in. Now.” Sax hurtled across the hood and dove into the car.

I opened the door and jumped in, pushing the lock just as the thug reached us. “Drive,” I screamed.

He slammed his foot down on the accelerator and skidded out of the parking lot. My heart pounded as I tried to process what had just happened. I glanced in the back. Dee had her arms around Harry, who was groaning in pain.

“What the fuck happened?” growled Sax. “Harry? What the hell did you do?”

“Nothing,” he muttered. “Fucking assholes came out of nowhere.”

“It’s true,” Dee said. “It was totally random. We were just standing there and the next minute they were on him.”

“‘Random’ my ass,” Sax snorted. “Did you get a look at the dude laying into you? Or maybe the blonde standing behind him?”

“Fuck,” Harry muttered, wiping his bloody lip.

“I told you not to get mixed up in that shit, Harry. Honestly, I don’t blame the guy. You banged his girlfriend! You’re not invincible, dude. One day you’re going to find yourself completely fucked.”

“Spare me the speech, Sax,” Harry scoffed. He winced in pain as he shifted his weight off his left side. “You think you’re better than me, but the reality is you’re a washed up piece of shit, and the last person who should be giving out advice.”