We picked a spot at the back near the open fire. The two leather sofas faced each other, separated by a two metal and glass coffee tables. It was early on a Tuesday night, so the place was pretty empty.

I saw Dee arrive a few minutes later. I waved her over.

“Hey,” she grinned, dropping down next to me. As usual, she looked hot in a short black dress and silver heels.

The guys stared at her and I giggled. Obviously I wasn’t the only one who thought so.

“What’s up? I feel like we haven’t spoken in ages,” she said, squeezing me. “And are you going to introduce me?” She nudged my leg and grinned.

“Dee, this is Harry, Liam, and Kam. This is my friend, Dee.”

“Nice to meet you, Dee,” Harry said smoothly. He took her hand and kissed it.

I snorted, earning me a stern look.

“Can I get you a drink?”

“I’m underage.” She blushed, flashing the stamp that took up most of the top of her right hand.

“I’m drinking soda water,” I said, offering her my glass.

She smiled and took a sip, then grabbed my hand. “Let’s dance.”

I followed her down to the small dance floor near the front of the stage. I sniggered, finding it funny that the guys’ eyes hadn’t left her since she walked in. They weren’t the only ones, either: Dee had the attention of nearly every male in the place.

“I think I’m going to have some questions to answer tomorrow,” I giggled.

“Huh? Oh, right,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Could they be any more obvious? Though Harry is pretty damn cute,” she added with a grin.

I laughed and slapped her backside. “Behave. I have to see them nearly every day.”

“Like you behaved with Sax?” she asked, cocking her head.

“That’s different.”

“Oh? How so?” she smirked.

“Because I’m older than you,” I shot


She stuck her tongue out at me and continued to dance. In spite of myself, I had to admit I was having fun. Getting out and doing something other than work had been what I needed.

Now all I had to do was work on forgetting about him. But I knew that was going to be near impossible.

Chapter Twenty-Six


I lay on the sofa, staring at my phone. It had been three days. Three fucking days, and I was going crazy not hearing her voice. I was desperate for an excuse to see her, but I couldn’t come up with anything that didn’t make me seem like some kind of creeper, a creeper of an under-aged girl.

Fuck, I had it bad. What was it about this girl that made me unable to focus on anything but her when she was around?

I’m eight years older than her, for fuck’s sake. Eight!

I threw the phone down in disgust. I needed to stop this shit. I had to do something to stop from making myself crazy. Sitting around thinking about her wasn’t going to help me. I got up and grabbed my keys, heading out to my bike.
