I wonder how many times that line had gotten him punched in the balls?

Most of the time I enjoyed my job. The majority of customers were friendly regulars who tipped well and the rest of the staff were great. But I found myself having to bite my tongue when it came to immature assholes who thought they were funny. Like these guys.

“I don’t think my boyfriend would appreciate that.” I nodded over my shoulder to Marlon. “He’s sticky and sweet enough for me,” I added with a wink, running my tongue over my bottom lip for extra effect.

“That’s your boyfriend??

? sputtered the dark-haired guy who sat on the end closest to me. Out of all of them, he was the only one I’d actually consider cute. He looked from me to Marlon and back to me, his eyes wide.

I held back my laughter and nodded. Marlon must have been in his sixties. He was huge, hairy and somewhat resembled a less appealing version of Hagrid from Harry Potter. His looks were the most appealing thing about him, which spoke volumes about his engaging personality.

“Is there a problem?” I asked innocently. “I can get him over here to take your order if you like,” I added, hiding my grin.

“Uh no, that’s fine. I’ll have the open steak sandwich and a Coke,” he muttered.

“Good choice,” I smirked.

I took the rest of their orders and strode back over to Marlon, handing him the ticket. I sidled up close to him so our shoulders were almost touching, aware the guys were watching me.

“Here you go,” I said sweetly.

Marlon glared at me. “The tables aren’t going to clean themselves,” he growled.

I chuckled and grabbed the caddy, pushing it toward three empty booths at the back of the room.

“What’s so funny?”

I smiled at Dee. In my haste to start my shift I hadn’t even realized she was working. Dee and I had clicked right away when I’d started at the diner two years earlier. At nineteen, she was two years older than me, but, like everyone else, she thought I was twenty-one and two years older than her. Confusing, right? I had trouble keeping things straight in my own head.

“The guys at table five were hassling me so I told them Marlon was my boyfriend,” I giggled.

Dee laughed, tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder. She was gorgeous—like supermodel beautiful. With her tall, slim figure and striking dark eyes, I felt like a blimp standing next to her. I was so damn short. Apparently my lack of height was another thing I’d gotten from my father.

“Idiots,” she scoffed, rolling her eyes. “But can you imagine being lucky enough to wake up to that every morning?” she said, nodding toward Marlon.

I turned, just in time to see him scratch his ass with the spatula. “Ugh, no thanks.” I wrinkled my nose.

“Hey, how did it go?” Dee asked suddenly, grabbing my arm.

Right: the audition. I’d almost forgotten about it.

“Really bad, then better, and then great,” I grinned, piling the dirty dishes into the tub. “I completely fucked it up, but I convinced them to give me a second chance. Now I have a final audition tomorrow night at a private party at The Bell Center. Please say you’ll come.”

“Have you ever known me to miss a party?” she sniggered.

I laughed. That was true. “Good. Do you mind driving? I think I’ll need a drink or two to calm my nerves.”

“Sure. I mean, it’s not like I can drink,” she grumbled.

I laughed and slapped her on the back. “I know for a fact that being underage doesn’t stop you from drinking,” I retorted with a grin.

“True,” she laughed. She made a face and muttered something under her breath. “Marlon is watching us. I better get back to work before he fires both of us.”


The rest of my shift passed pretty quickly, helped by the fact that my table of guys left me alone after they received their order. They even left me a tip, which I wasn’t expecting.

I got home shortly after ten. Unlocking the door, I stepped inside and dumped my bag on the floor. I walked through to the kitchen, checking to see if my roommate, Nelson, was still up. The glow of his computer shone under the crack of his closed bedroom door. I shook my head and poured myself a glass of water and took it to my room.