" 'First off I want it thoroughly cleaned,' he said, 'and the gold on the sarcophagus, it has to be cleaned and polished. ¡¯

" 'Then it is gold,' I


" 'Most assuredly,' he responded. 'But you may tell your workmen it's brass if you like. Indeed, tell them anything about the entire island which will keep them away. ¡¯

" 'But who was the grave intended for?¡¯

" 'You need never concern yourself with that, and never open it again either. ' The voice came soft as breath. 'Now let's return to the Hermitage. You're to have electric wiring installed throughout the place. ¡¯

" 'You've been reading my mind, haven't you?' I asked.

" 'Then I want glass fitted in all the windows, glass that opens and closes. I'm not particular as to the design, just so that the night can be seen and felt and the rain kept out of the interior. The flooring should be laid both in the first and second story-something of marble tile like the tile in your entranceway would be most excellent, though I think that it should be all white with a dark grout. ¡¯

" 'Good God,' I said, 'you have been reading my mind. Who are you?¡¯

" 'Have I? I do have a gift for it. And handsome lamps should be purchased as well as marble tables such as that which is there already. And fine gold chairs in the Roman style, and couches. You know. I leave it to you, the taste of such things -- you've been born to and bred on fine things -- and you shall see that it's all correct. ¡¯

" 'This is a game to you, isn't it?' I asked. I was breaking into a cold sweat.

" 'Not entirely,' he said. 'I want these improvements. And I want the privacy afterwards. I want it all from you. ¡¯

" 'And you're serious. ¡¯

" 'Well, of course I am,' came the low, hushed voice. 'Now what else do I propose? Ah yes, a better fireplace, don't you think, for the bitter cold Louisiana nights in winter of which outsiders know so little. ¡¯

" 'How did you manage to spy on me? From what vantage point?¡¯

" 'Don't be so sure that I did. I'm cunning. You wanted to reclaim the place. I know the style in which you live. I want to be friends with you, don't you see? It's nice having my arms around you. I offer peace if you do these things. If you needed wealth for it, I'd oblige. ¡¯

" 'And your part of the bargain is to leave the place entirely alone by day?¡¯

" 'Yes,' he said, 'and not to kill you. That's the most impressive part -- that I'll let you live. ¡¯

" 'Who are you?' I demanded again. 'What are you? Were those human bodies I saw you dumping in the swamp? They were, weren't they, and the chains on the second floor. Did you never ask yourself what had happened with those chains?¡¯

"I struggled. He tightened his grip.

"There came a dark slow laugh from him, a laugh I'd heard before though I couldn't place it. Or could I? Was it only in the swamp that night when I had seen him in the moonlight? I was too caught up in his strength and in my own sense of peril to know for certain.

" 'You can take away the chains if you like,' he said. 'Have it all cleaned as I told you. Have made a new stairs from first floor to second. Have it made of bronze. And caution your workmen not to speak of the place. Caution them to frighten others away. If and when they hire outsiders, let them choose from those at a distance rather than from those who are close at hand. ¡¯

" 'Like it was in Manfred's time,' I said.

" 'Like you tell it on your tours of the house and property,' said the voice. 'Now, I have a piece of advice for you. ¡¯

" 'What piece of advice?¡¯

" 'You can see spirits and you've become enamored of a spirit named Rebecca. ¡¯

" 'How do you know?¡¯

" 'Suffice it to say that I do know and I'm warning you against her. She wants a vengeance from you against those who have harmed her, and she'll settle for your life. You're a Blackwood and that's what matters to her. Your happiness fascinates her. It gives her strength. It causes her pain. ¡¯

" 'You've seen her yourself?¡¯

" 'Let me humor you on this score. I have made myself privy to those dreams of yours in which she visits. And through those dreams I have come to know her tawdry desires. ¡¯